Saturday, September 15, 2007

Vengeance 2002 Review

The return to PPV of Benoit!

Bubba Ray Dudley and Spike Dudley defeated Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit in a Tables Match (14:59)
Spike put Guerrero through a table with the Dudley Dog (13:15)
Benoit tossed Spike over the top rope and through a table (14:30)
Bubba Ray put Benoit through a table with the Bubba Bomb (14:59)
So much for that return. OK match.

Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) defeated Billy Kidman to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (7:34)
Noble pinned Kidman after a Tiger Driver.
More solid stuff.

Jeff Hardy defeated William Regal to retain the WWE European Championship (4:16)
Hardy pinned Regal with a roll-up.

John Cena defeated Chris Jericho (6:21)
Cena pinned Jericho after countering the Walls of Jericho into a roll-up.
Cena's 1st PPV. He'd be in a match for the WWE title in his next PPV match.

Rob Van Dam defeated Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) by disqualification to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (9:38)
Lesnar was disqualified after Heyman pulled the referee from the ring, thus RVD retained the title.
Not the best way to have Brock go into Summerslam.

Booker T defeated The Big Show in a No Disqualification match (6:12)
Booker pinned Big Show after a Harlem Hangover.
More stuff that's just there. Nice Scissors Kick and Houston Hangover.

The Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) defeated Hulk Hogan and Edge to win the WWE Tag Team Championship (10:00)
Storm pinned Edge after Chris Jericho hit Edge with a tag title belt.
Eh. Solid.

The Rock defeated Kurt Angle and The Undertaker (c) in a Triple threat match to win the WWE Undisputed Championship (19:35)
Rock pinned Angle after a Rock Bottom.
Some of the Undertaker middle stuff hurt this one. Easily the best triple threat match ever in the WWE at this point.

~ The show had some bland matches. The last match was a MOTY Candidate.

~ July 22 – RVD (IC) beat Jeff Hardy (EURO) in a ladder match unify the belts. ***

~ July 22 – Chris Benoit beat Booker T to become #1 Contender for the IC belt. **3/4

~ July 22 – The Rock beat Eddie Guerrero. **1/2

~ July 25 – Edge beat Chris Jericho in a cage match. ***1/4

~ July 29 – Chris Benoit beats RVD for the Intercontinental Title. ***1/2

~ July 29 – The Rock beat Ric Flair. ***1/4

~ August 1 - Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit beat Edge and The Rock. ***3/4

~ August 8 – Edge, Cena & Mysterio beat Angle, Guerrero & Benoit. ***1/4

~ August 8 – Brock Lesnar beat Hulk Hogan. ***

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