Saturday, September 29, 2007

Insurrextion 2003 Review

• Jazz (w/Theodore Long) defeated Trish Stratus to retain the WWE Women's Championship (10:45)
o Jazz pinned Stratus when Theodore Long rammed Trish shoulder first into the ring post whilst the ref was distracted by Victoria.
o *3/4

• Christian defeated Booker T to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (15:55)
o Christian pinned Booker after reversing a roll-up and using the ropes for leverage.
o **

• Rob Van Dam and Kane defeated La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier and René Duprée) to retain the World Tag Team Championship (10:43)
o RVD pinned Grenier after a Five Star Frog Splash .
o *1/2

• Goldust defeated Rico (11:15)
o Goldust pinned Rico after a Director's Cut.
o ½*

• Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff

• The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray, D-Von, and Spike) defeated Rodney Mack, Christopher Nowinski and Theodore Long (10:00)
o Spike pinned Long after Mack accidentally clotheslined him.
o After the match Nowinski received a 3D through a table.
o *1/4

• Scott Steiner defeated Test (w/Val Venis as Special Guest Referee and Stacey Keibler as Special Guest ring Announcer) (7:33)
o Steiner pinned Test after a Steiner Flatliner.
o *

• Triple H (w/Ric Flair) defeated Kevin Nash (w/Shawn Michaels) in a Street Fight to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (16:33)
o Triple H pinned Nash after hitting him with a sledgehammer.
o **1/4

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