Saturday, September 29, 2007

Unforgiven 2003 Review

See ya later Goldberg or HHH's title reign. It's what they call, "win-win"

• The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated Rob Conway and La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier and René Duprée) in a Handicap Tables match to win the World Tag Team Championship (10:17)
o The Dudley Boyz put Duprée through the final table to win the titles.
o Spike Dudley was scheduled to be in the match but had to be pulled out due to injury, turning it into a handicap match.
o **
Nothing going on.

• Test (w/Stacy Keibler) defeated Scott Steiner (6:56)
o Test pinned Steiner after Stacy accidentally hit Steiner with a steel chair.
o As a result of losing, Steiner had to become Test's property. If Test had lost, then Stacy would have been freed from Test.
o ¾*
Oooooooooo, like I care.

• Randy Orton (w/Ric Flair) defeated Shawn Michaels (18:47)
o Orton pinned Michaels after hitting him with a pair of brass knuckles.
o ***
Not that good for a long HBK match.

• Trish Stratus and Lita defeated Molly Holly and Gail Kim (6:46)
o Lita pinned Molly after a Moonsault.
o *
More stuff that doesn't matter.

• Kane defeated Shane McMahon in a Last Man Standing match (19:42)
o Kane won the match when Shane couldn't get up after missing a Leap of Faith off of the TitanTron.
o **1/4
I actually liked this feud a little. This match sucked was just OK.

• Christian defeated Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (19:03)
o Christian pinned RVD after hitting him with the title belt.
o ***1/4
Good match. Better than I remember actually.

• Al Snow and Jonathan Coachman defeated Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler (8:16)
o Coach pinned JR after a dropkick by Chris Jericho.
o The winners of this match won the right to be the announcers for RAW.
o -**
The best thing about this match was there was no announcing from these 4.

• Goldberg defeated Triple H to win the World Heavyweight Championship (14:57)
o Goldberg pinned Triple H after a Jackhammer.
o If Goldberg had lost the match, he would have had to permanently retire from wrestling.
o **1/2
I can live with it.

~ Bad show with 1 good match.
~Bonus Match: Raw, 2 weeks later. RVD beat Christian in a ladder match to win th Intercontinental title.
o ***3/4

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