Saturday, September 22, 2007

No Way Out 2003 Review

Oh yeah, there's still a PPV before Mania...oops...

• Chris Jericho defeated Jeff Hardy (12:59)
o Jericho forced Hardy to submit with the Walls of Jericho.
o ***1/4
Solid stuff from a usually unmotivated Jeff Hardy.

• William Regal and Lance Storm defeated Kane and Rob Van Dam to retain the World Tag Team Championship (9:20)
o Regal pinned RVD after a blinded Kane accidentally chokeslammed RVD.
o *1/4
I remember Regal got body slammed on his head and was knocked out for a bit. That's pretty much all that happened in this "classic."

• Matt Hardy defeated Billy Kidman to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (9:31)
o Hardy pinned Kidman after a Twist of Fate from the top rope.
o **1/2
So much for the cruiserweight division.

• The Undertaker defeated The Big Show (14:08)
o Undertaker forced Big Show to submit with a Triangle Choke.
o **1/2
Nice Tope from Taker and one of their best matches.

• Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit defeated Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) (w/Paul Heyman) in a Handicap match (13:19)
o Benoit forced Haas to submit with the Crippler Crossface.
o Edge was scheduled to team with Lesnar and Benoit, but was ambushed (kayfabe) by Team Angle backstage prior to the match.
o **3/4
A little dissapointing but solid none the less.

• Triple H defeated Scott Steiner to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (13:01)
o Triple H pinned Steiner after a Pedigree.
o *
Much better than last month. Of course it still sucked.

• Steve Austin defeated Eric Bischoff (4:26)
o Austin pinned Bischoff after 3 consecutive Stone Cold Stunners.
Not really a match.

• The Rock defeated Hulk Hogan(12:20)
o Rock pinned Hogan after a chairshot and Rock Bottom.
o *1/2
Not even close to last year's epic encounter. Just dull stuff with no heat.

Generic No Way Out show before Mania.

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