Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rebellion 2002 Review

Booker T defeated Matt Hardy(15:00)
Booker pinned Hardy after a Scissors Kick.

Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson defeated John Cena and Dawn Marie in a Mixed tag team match(5:22)
Kidman pinned Cena after a Shooting Star Press.

Funaki defeated Crash Holly(5:00)
Funaki pinned Holly after a roll up.

Jamie Noble defeated Rey Mysterio and Tajiri in a Elimination match to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship(13:00)
Noble pinned Tajiri after a Tiger Bomb(4:00)
Noble pinned Mysterio after reversing a Victory Roll and using Nidia for leverage(13:00)

After the match Mysterio gave Noble and Nidia a double 619.
Reverend D-Von and Ron Simmons defeated The Big Valbowski and Chuck Palumbo(3:00)
D-Von pinned Palumbo after a roll up.

Rikishi defeated Albert(5:00)
Rikishi pinned Albert after a Rump Shaker.

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit defeated Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo) to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship(20:15)
Angle pinned Eddie after an Angle Slam.

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman defeated Edge in a Handicap match to retain Lesnar's WWE Championship(20:00)
Lesnar pinned Edge after a chair shot to the ribs followed by an F-5.
After the match, Heyman tried to attack Edge with the chair but ended up receiving an Edgecution
Best Handicap match ever.

3 ***1/2+ matches on this show but a lot of it was crap.

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