Saturday, September 22, 2007

TNA Destination X 2007 Review

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (w/Johnny Rodz) in a Ghetto Brawl (14:49)
o Homicide pinned Devon after Alex Shelley hit Devon with a camera and then a Frog Splash through a table.
o ***1/4

• James Storm and Jacqueline Moore defeated Petey Williams and Gail Kim in a Double Bullrope match (7:52)
o Storm pinned Williams after a superkick.
o **1/2

• Senshi defeated Austin Starr in a Crossface Chickenwing match (11:09)
o Senshi forced Starr to submit with the Crossface Chickenwing.
o After the match, Starr attacked Bob Backlund (who had come to ringside during the match) and put him in the Crossface Chickenwing.
o ***

• The Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James) defeated The Heartbreakers (Antonio Thomas and Romeo Roselli) (w/Christy Hemme) (9:02)
o B.G. pinned Antonio after a Pumphandle Slam.
o ½*

• Chris Sabin defeated Jerry Lynn in a Two out of Three Falls match to retain the TNA X Division Championship (12:18)
o Lynn pinned Sabin after a Tornado DDT (5:51)
o Sabin pinned Lynn using the ropes for leverage (8:51)
o Sabin pinned Lynn with the Cradle Shock after the distraction of a masked man (12:18)
o After the match, the masked man (Christopher Daniels) hit the Angel's Wings on Sabin and hit Lynn with the X Division Title belt.
o ***1/4

• Rhino defeated A.J. Styles in a Elevation X match (9:05)
o Rhino knocked Styles off the structure to win.
o **1/4

• Kurt Angle defeated Scott Steiner (11:42)
o Angle pinned Steiner after a Sunset Flip off the top-rope.
o **1/2

• Sting defeated Abyss in a Last Rites match (9:40)
o Sting won the match after putting Abyss in the casket and shutting the lid.
o *3/4

• Christian Cage defeated Samoa Joe to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (17:43)
o Cage pinned Joe after reversing the Coquina Clutch into a roll-up with his foot on the ropes.
o ****

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