Saturday, September 29, 2007

Other shows

The Office - This is my favorite show. I have never not liked an episode. I really consider the 1st episode of the new year to be 2 episodes because its all they were. That being said, I liked the 1st episode (or 1st half) a lot, like I usually do. The 2nd episode (or 2nd half) was the worst episode of the show I've ever seen. It was still ok, but I have high expectations for a show this consistanly great. The preview for next week's episode appears to be good, but I'll see. This show has more than earned a free pass on one episode, but I hate that it was the 1st one of a new season.

Chuck - I was not really expecting much from this. It looked like it had potential but the thousands of previews really lowered my appreciation for it. The 1st episode was good though. It had some nice moments. The guy who plays Chuck is kinda acting a little too much like Jim from The Office though. Still, I'll give it another go. I think it could last 1 season.

Heroes - Man was I dissapointed with this one. I'm not the biggest Heroes guy (in fact I sometimes feel like I like this show less than any fan of it ever, even though I like it.) Hope it picks up and Sylar returns to kick some Hero ass.

My Name is Earl - Like Heroes, I feel like I am the fan of the show who likes it the least. It's always just been an OK to good show to me. This episode however was great. I liked it better than The Office (high expectations for that to low ones for this). I hope it keeps up.

The Big Bang Theory - Another show that I thought about watching, stopped thinking about it, then watched it anyway. Solid stuff for a 1st episode. I don't know, I see it getting cancelled after about half a season (I hope not).

Back to You - Man was this show bad. I mean, they already have a storyline going and then they throw in the kid? Ugh. I never give up on a show after one episode (do to every pilot usually being awful. Look at some of your favorite shows and watch the pilot. It is always the worst my friends.) I'll keep watching but if it continues its awfulness then I'm out. This will be canceled soon.

Shows I have on DVR but have yet to watch: K-ville(1st and 2nd ep), Journeyman, House, and Reaper.

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