Saturday, September 15, 2007

2002 Match of the Year

· 1. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit defeated Rey Mysterio and Edge to win the first WWE Tag Team Championship(22:03)
o Angle forced Edge to submit with the Ankle Lock.
o This was the finals of a tournament to crown the first WWE Tag Team Champions after the World Tag Team Championship became exclusive to RAW.
o ****3/4

· 2. Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Edge in a number one contender fatal four-way match. (23:15)
o Benoit made Guerrero submit with the Crippler Crossface. (5:29)
o Benoit was pinned by Edge with the Spear. (7:12)
o Angle pinned Edge after an Angle Slam from the top rope. (23:15)
o ****1/2

· 3. Chris Benoit defeated Kurt Angle (13:55)
o Benoit pinned Angle with his feet on the ropes.
o ****1/2

Honorable Mention:

· Rey Mysterio and Edge defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit to win the first WWE Tag Team Championship in a Two out of Three Falls match. (24:16)
o Rey and Edge won the first fall by pin, lost the second by submission, tied on the next, and won on the 619 and spear.
o ****1/2

· The Rock defeated Kurt Angle and The Undertaker (c) in a Triple threat match to win the
WWE Undisputed Championship (19:35)
o Rock pinned Angle after a Rock Bottom.
o ****1/4

· Edge defeated Eddie Guerrero in a “No Disqualification” match
o Edge pinned Eddie with the Edgecution off the Ladder.
o ****1/4

· Edge defeated Kurt Angle in a Hair vs. Hair match (15:30)
o Edge pinned Angle with a roll-up.
o ****1/4

· Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H in a Unsanctioned Street Fight (27:19)
o Michaels pinned Triple H after reversing Triple H's Pedigree attempt into a cradle.
o After the match, Triple H struck Shawn Michaels with his sledgehammer twice, forcing Michaels to be carried away on a stretcher.
o ****1/4

· Kurt Angle defeated Edge (13:25)
o Angle pinned Edge after an Angle Slam.
o ****1/4

· Rob Van Dam defeated Eddie Guerrero to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship
o RVD climbed the ladder to win.
o ****1/4

· Rey Mysterio defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit
o Rey pinned Benoit after a Hurricanrana.
o ****

· Chris Jericho defeated The Rock to retain the WWF Undisputed Championship (18:48)
o Jericho pinned The Rock after a low blow and a roll-up.
o ****

· Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo) defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship
o Eddie pinned Benoit after a Belt shot.
o ****

Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the WWE Championship(27:18)
Lesnar pinned Undertaker after an F-5.

• Shawn Michaels defeated Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Chris Jericho and Triple H (c) in the first Elimination Chamber match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (39:20)

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