Saturday, September 22, 2007

TNA Against All Odds 2007 Review

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) in a Little Italy Street Fight (9:26)
o Hernandez pinned Devon after a Border Toss.
o **1/4

• Senshi defeated Austin Starr (8:21)
o Senshi pinned Starr.
o After the match, Starr slapped Bob Backlund (who was watching the match from ringside) and Backlund put Starr in the Crossface Chicken Wing.
o **1/2

• Christy Hemme defeated "Big Fat Oily Guy" in a Tuxedo match (2:29)
o After the match, Kip James ran in and stripped off Hemme's tuxedo.
o -**

• Lance Hoyt (w/David Eckstein) defeated Dale Torborg (w/A.J. Pierzynski) in a Basebrawl (5:04)
o Hoyt pinned Torborg after Eckstein hit Torborg with a steel chair.
o ¼*

• A.J. Styles defeated Rhino in a Motor City Chain match (15:07)
o Styles pinned Rhino after Styles moved and Rhino hit a Gore through a table.
o **1/4

• Chris Sabin defeated Jerry Lynn to retain the TNA X Division Championship (13:33)
o Sabin pinned Lynn while using the ropes for leverage.
o **

• James Storm and Jacqueline Moore defeated Petey Williams and Gail Kim in a Mixed Tag Team match (8:49)
o Moore pinned Kim after Storm collided into Kim.
o After the match, Chris Harris returned and chased Storm and Moore from the ring.
o *3/4

• Sting defeated Abyss (w/James Mitchell) in a Prison Yard match (11:57)
o Sting won by putting Abyss in the cage, after Sting powerbombed Abyss through a table with a barbwire covered board on top.
o After the match, Sting attacked Mitchell.
o ***1/4

• Christian Cage defeated Kurt Angle to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (19:02)
o Cage pinned Angle after an Unprettier.
o During the match, Tomko and Scott Steiner interfered on Cage's behalf.
o Samoa Joe was at ringside as the unofficial Outside Enforcer.
o ***1/4

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