Saturday, September 15, 2007

Summerslam 2002 Review

The Brock Era begins.

Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio (9:20)
Angle forced Mysterio to submit with the Ankle lock.
Great for a match that's less than 10 minutes.

Ric Flair defeated Chris Jericho (10:30)
Flair forced Jericho to submit with the Figure-Four Leglock.
Controversy was made when Jericho had Flair earlier in his own figure four leglock. Flair held onto the rope with one hand but tapped out with the other. The referee let the match continue.
Stupid finish but solid stuff.

Edge defeated Eddie Guerrero (11:54)
Edge pinned Guerrero after a Spear.
I like this match the more and more I see it.

The Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) defeated Booker T and Goldust to retain the World Tag Team Championship (9:37)
Christian pinned Booker T after Test interfered and hit Booker with the big boot.
Really good old school type of tag match.

Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Benoit to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship (16:30)
RVD pinned Benoit after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
Rob Van Dam's victory brought the WWE Intercontinental Championship back to RAW.
No heat but still good.

The Undertaker defeated Test (8:18)
Undertaker pinned Test after a Tombstone Piledriver.
Not as bad as it could have been.

Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H in a Unsanctioned Street Fight (27:19)
Michaels pinned Triple H after reversing Triple H's Pedigree attempt into a cradle.
After the match, Triple H struck Shawn Michaels with his sledgehammer twice, forcing Michaels to be carried away on a stretcher.
He's back baby! Great stuff from both guys. Almost ****1/2

Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) defeated The Rock to win the WWE Undisputed Championship (14:38)
Lesnar pinned The Rock after a F-5.
Brock's best match to this point.

~ Best show of the year and oone of the best ever. A ****+ match and 4 *** matches.

~ August 26 - Jeff Hardy beats Chris Jericho by DQ. **3/4

~ August 26 - RVD (IC) beat Tommy Dreamer (Hardcore) to unify both belts. ***

~ September 5 – Rikishi, Undertaker & Edge beat Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.

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