Saturday, September 15, 2007

Global Warning Tour

Rikishi defeated Rico in a “Kiss My Ass Match” (3:30)
Rikishi pinned Rico after a Samoan Drop
After the match, Rikishi gave Rico the Stinkface.

Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) defeated The Hurricane to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (8:46)
Noble pinned Hurricane with a backslide while his feet were on the ropes.

The Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) defeated Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (8:58)
Storm pinned Kidman after a shot with the belt.

Edge defeated Chris Jericho (11:33)
Edge pinned Jericho after countering the Walls of Jericho into a roll-up.

Torrie Wilson defeated Stacy Keibler (w/Val Venis as Special Guest Referee) in a Bra and Panties match (4:44)
Nidia interfered on Stacy’s behalf.
No Rating

The Rock defeated Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) and Triple H to retain the WWE Undisputed Championship (14:30)
The Rock pinned after a Rock Bottom.

~ This was like a good house show. Matches were too short though.

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