Thursday, September 6, 2007

No Way Out 2002 Review

THe N.W.who?

The nWo came out for their first appearance in the WWF as the nWo. They stated that they did not come back to kill the WWF and that they just wanted to be a part of the WWF.

The APA won a Tag Team Turmoil match (14:05)
Lance Storm and Christian defeated Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert when Christian pinned Scotty (2:56)
The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) defeated Lance Storm and Christian when Jeff pinned Christian after Matt's Twist of Fate and Jeff's Swanton Bomb (5:40)
The Hardy Boyz defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) when Matt pinned D-Von with a rollup. Afterwards, the Dudleyz hit Jeff with a 3D on the floor (9:56)
Billy and Chuck defeated The Hardy Boyz when Billy pinned Matt after the Fameasser (10:17)
The APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq) defeated Billy and Chuck when Bradshaw pinned Billy after a Clothesline From Hell to win a shot at the WWF Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania X8 (14:05)

Rob Van Dam defeated Goldust (11:06)
RVD pinned Goldust after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
Suprisingle watchable.

Tazz and Spike Dudley defeated Booker T and Test to retain the WWF Tag Team Championships (7:17)
Tazz forced Test to submit with the Tazzmission.
Shit match.

William Regal defeated Edge in a Brass Knuckles on a Pole Match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (10:25)
Regal pinned Edge after hitting him with another pair of brass knucks (which he had hidden).
The best match these guys ever had.

The Rock defeated The Undertaker (17:25)
Rock pinned Undertaker after a Rock Bottom, following a distraction by Ric Flair.

Kurt Angle defeated Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon as Special Guest Referee) (14:40)
Angle pinned Triple H after 2 chairshots and an Angle Slam to win a shot at the WWE Undisputed Championship.
Very dissapointing.

Chris Jericho defeated Steve Austin to retain the WWF Undisputed Championship (21:34)
Jericho pinned Austin with a roll-up.
The nWo interfered and sprayed the nWo letters on Steve Austin's back.
Almost good.

~ This show was pretty bland. Just a starting point for the NWO.

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