Thursday, September 20, 2007

The 2-0 Houston Texans

Wow. I never thought I would ever say that. Is that sad? It's really wierd watching this team do well. I'm used to using them as a punchline and then crying when no one's around. But low and behold, The Texans are 2-0. It's strange to be watching the games and to be thinking, "We could win this game." It's also good to be cheering for once. I'm usually laughing at Carr running around like an idiot and then taking an ass kicking from a lineman. It is REALLY wierd to see the shmucks on ESPN actually talking positive about the Texans instead of talking about how Reggie Bush and Vince Young were gonna haunt the Texans forever. OK guys, we get it. Management screwed up for the first year. Let's not put both guys in the HOF yet. Let's give a guy who was thought to go number 2 a bit of a chance.

Man, if only Andre Johnson was playing this Week against the Colts, I would be drooling over that one. I mean a chance to be 3-0 and in sole position of 1st place? Wow. Just wow. Oh well. I'm a Texans fan, I think negative...I don't know...all the time? I just have to say if Schaub can find a way to win the game against the defending SuperBowl champs with Kevin Walter as his #1 receiver, I'll put him in the Texans HOF forever.

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