Saturday, September 22, 2007

TNA Final Resolution 2007 Review

• Rhino defeated A.J. Styles in a Last Man Standing match (14:44)
o Styles failed to answer the ten-count on purpose after Rhino hit two Gores.
o After the match Rhino attack Styles.
o **3/4

• Chris Sabin defeated Christopher Daniels (c) and Jerry Lynn in a Triple Threat match to win the TNA X Division Championship (11:42)
o Sabin pinned Lynn with a roll-up while grabbing the tights.
o ***1/4

• Paparazzi Championship Series finals: Alex Shelley defeated Austin Starr (10:18)
o The judges were "Samolian Joe", "Big Fat Oily Guy" and Bob Backlund.
o Shelley pinned Starr with a roll-up, and Shelley was presented a bowling trophy.
o ***1/4

• James Storm (w/Gail Kim) defeated Petey Williams (6:41)
o Storm pinned Williams while grabbing the ropes during a roll-up.
o Jacqueline made her return to TNA and delivered a Death Sentence with Storm to Kim.
o **

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) by disqualification to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championship (10:40)
o Team 3D were disqualified after a drunk Brother Runt interfered, jumping off the top rope onto Homicide.
o *1/2

• Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe 3-2 in an Iron Man match (30:00)
o Joe forced Angle to submit to the Coquina Clutch (12:54)
o Angle forced Joe to submit to the Ankle Lock (16:03)
o Angle forced Joe to submit to the Ankle Lock (18:56)
o Joe pinned Angle after a Muscle Buster (22:19)
o Angle pinned Joe with a cradle pin (24:41) to win a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Against All Odds.
o ***1/2

• Christian Cage defeated Abyss (c) (w/James Mitchell) and Sting in a Three Way Elimination match to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (13:06)
o Sting pinned Abyss after the Scorpion Death Drop (5:26)
o Cage pinned Sting after a Frog Splash (13:06)
o Cage's enforcer, Tomko, was locked in a cage at ringside.
o **3/4

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