Saturday, September 29, 2007

Badd Blood 2003 Review

THe first RAW PPV.

• Rodney Mack and Christopher Nowinski (w/Theodore Long) defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (7:07)
o Nowinksi pinned Bubba after hitting him with his protective face mask.
o *1/2
Nothing special.

• Scott Steiner defeated Test (6:23)
o Steiner pinned Test after a Steiner Flatliner to win the managerial services of Stacy Keibler.
o *
Steiner falling off the apron makes this match a must see.

• Booker T defeated WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian by disqualification (7:53)
o Christian was disqualified for hitting Booker with the IC Title belt, Christian retained the title.
o **
Generic RAW match.

• La Résistance (René Duprée and Sylvain Grenier) defeated Rob Van Dam and Kane to win the World Tag Team Championship (5:47)
o Grenier and Duprée pinned RVD after a Bonsoir.
o 3/4*
More shit.

• Goldberg defeated Chris Jericho (10:53)
o Goldberg pinned Jericho after a Spear and Jackhammer.
o ***
Suprisingly watchable thanks to Y2J.

• Ric Flair defeated Shawn Michaels (14:18)
o Flair pinned Michaels after Randy Orton interfered and hit Michaels with a steel chair.
o ***1/2

• Steve Austin defeated Eric Bischoff in a "Redneck Triathlon".
o Austin defeated Bischoff in a Burping Contest.
o Bischoff defeated Austin in a Pie-Eating Contest (featuring Mae Young as the pie) by forfeit.
o The Singing Contest was a draw when both men agreed they sucked at singing.
o Austin won the tie breaker by throwing Bischoff into a pig pen.
God this was stupid.

• Triple H defeated Kevin Nash (w/Mick Foley as Special Guest Referee) in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (21:01)
o Triple H pinned Nash after a sledgehammer shot and a Pedigree.
o ***
Good not great.

~ The last 3 matches were good, not much else.

~ June 23 – HHH retained the title by beating Kane in a Mask vs. Title match. **1/2

~ June 30 – HHH beat RVD in a Falls Count Anywhere match to retain the title. **3/4

~ July 21 – Chris Jericho beat Shawn Michaels. ***1/2

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