Saturday, September 22, 2007

TNA Turning Point 2006 Review

• Paparazzi Championship Series - Elimination match: Senshi defeated Alex Shelley, Sonjay Dutt, Austin Starr and Jay Lethal (14:38)
o Dutt forced Shelley to submit with a camel clutch (7:52)
o Senshi pinned Lethal after a Warrior's Way (8:50)
o Starr pinned Dutt after a 450° splash (13:12)
o Senshi pinned Starr with a roll-up (14:38)
o As the winner of the match, Senshi received five points towards the Series. Starr received four points, Dutt three points, Lethal two points, and Shelley one point.
o ***3/4

• Eric Young defeated Ms. Brooks (w/Robert Roode) in a Bikini contest

• Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin (w/Jerry Lynn as Special Guest Referee) to retain the TNA X Division Championship (12:27)
o Daniels pinned Sabin after a Best Moonsault Ever.
o **1/2

• A.J. Styles defeated Rhino (7:31)
o Styles pinned Rhino with a roll-up after faking a knee injury.
o **1/4

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) defeated America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (w/Gail Kim) in a Flag match (10:42)
o LAX won the match by hanging the Mexican Flag above the ring, thus earning the right to have the Mexican National Anthem played in the arena.
o ***1/2

• Abyss (w/James Mitchell) defeated Sting and Christian Cage (w/Tomko) in a Triple Threat match to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (11:55)
o Abyss pinned Sting after a Black Hole Slam.
o **1/2

• Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle (19:17)
o Joe forced Angle to submit with a Coquina Clutch.
o ****

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