Saturday, September 22, 2007

TNA No Surrender 2006 Review

• Eric Young defeated A-1 (6:14)
o Young pinned A-1 after a Showstopper.
o *

• Jay Lethal defeated Petey Williams (7:24)
o Lethal pinned Williams with a roll-up when Williams tried to leave the ring.
o Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Chris Sabin had given Williams a Laxative before the match.
o *3/4

• Abyss (w/James Mitchell) defeated Raven and Brother Runt in a No DQ Triple Threat match (11:24)
o Abyss pinned Raven after a Black Hole Slam.
o **1/4

• The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) (w/Shane Douglas) won a Triple Chance Tag Team Battle Royal also involving: The James Gang (B.G. James and Kip James), America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (w/Gail Kim), The Paparazzi (Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine), The Diamonds in the Rough (David Young and Elix Skipper) (w/Simon Diamond), Maverick Matt and Kazarian, Ron Killings and Lance Hoyt, and Shark Boy and Norman Smiley (14:05)
o The match started out as a 16-man battle royal, when a wrestler got eliminated they would stay at ringside until their partner was eliminated. When the match got down to 2 people, their partners re-joined them and the match continued as a tag team match.
o Stevens pinned Storm with a roll-up to make The Naturals the #1 contenders to the NWA World Tag Team Championship.
o *1/2

• Senshi defeated Chris Sabin to retain the TNA X Division Championship (16:57)
o Senshi pinned Sabin after kicking an inflatable doll into Sabin.
o ***1/4

• Christian Cage defeated Rhino (16:26)
o Cage pinned Rhino after an Unprettier onto a steel chair.
o **1/2

• A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels defeated The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) in an Ultimate X match to win the NWA World Tag Team Championship (15:29)
o Daniels jumped from a post and grabbed one of the belts to win. This match was later named TNA's "Match of the Year".
o ****1/4

• Samoa Joe defeated Jeff Jarrett in a "Fan's Revenge" Lumberjack match (11:03)
o Joe pinned Jarrett after a Muscle Buster.
o The lumberjacks were 18 audience members equipped with leather straps.
o *3/4

• The show ended with Jim Cornette airing a video stating that Kurt Angle had signed with TNA.

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