Saturday, September 29, 2007

Armageddon 2003 Review

Prepare yourself...

• Booker T defeated Mark Henry (w/Theodore Long) (9:19)
o Booker pinned Henry after a Scissors Kick.
o *1/2
These guys had a no dq match the RAW before, now they have a regular match?

• Randy Orton (w/Ric Flair) defeated Rob Van Dam (w/Mick Foley as Special Guest Referee) to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship (17:59)
o Orton pinned RVD after an RKO.
o **1/4
MOTN. At **1/4.

• Chris Jericho and Christian defeated Trish Stratus and Lita (6:37)
o Christian pinned Stratus with a Schoolboy.
o ¾*
What a joke.

• Shawn Michaels defeated Batista (w/Ric Flair) (12:28)
o Michaels pinned Batista after the Sweet Chin Music.
o **
Shawn can't do it all.

• Ric Flair and Batista won a Tag Team Turmoil match to win the World Tag Team Championship (20:48)
o The other participants were The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (c), La Résistance (Robért Conway and René Duprée), Val Venis and Lance Storm, Scott Steiner and Test, The Hurricane and Rosey, and Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade.
o Hurricane pinned Conway after a Super Hero Splash (3:16)
o Jindrak pinned Hurricane after a Roll-up (3:34)
o Jindrak pinned Venis after Cade clipped Venis' legs during a suplex and held his legs down (7:17)
o Bubba Ray pinned Jindrak after after a 3D (11:29)
o Bubba Ray pinned Test after a Bubba Bomb (16:38)
o Batista pinned D-Von after a Batista Bomb (20:48)
o **
Kind of random.

• Molly Holly defeated Ivory to retain the WWE Women's Championship (4:23)
o Molly pinned Ivory by rolling through a pin attempt and grabbing Ivory's tights for leverage.
o ¼*
Generic "2nd to last match womens match so everyone can go take a leak" match here.

• Triple H defeated Goldberg (c) and Kane in a No disqualification Triple Threat match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (19:28)
o Triple H pinned Goldberg after Kane Chokeslammed Goldberg.
o *3/4
And HHH gets his title back.

~ One of the worst PPVs ever, with one of the lowest buyrates ever.

~ Bonus match: Raw, weeks later. Shawn Michaels and HHH wrestled to a draw when both men’s shoulders were pinned to the mat. ****1/4

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