Saturday, September 29, 2007

2003 Match of the Year

• 1. Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit to retain the WWE Championship (19:48)
o Angle forced Benoit to submit with the Ankle Lock.
o ****3/4

• 2. Shawn Michaels and Triple H wrestled to a draw as Triple H retained the World Heavyweight Championship
o Michaels pinned Triple H after the Sweet Chin Music, but his shoulders were down as well and it was ruled a draw.
o ****1/4

• 3. The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) defeated Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (14:53)
o Benjamin pinned Mysterio after a springboard clothesline/powerbomb combo on Mysterio.
o ****1/4

Honorable Mention:
• Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle in an Iron Man Match to win the WWE Championship (60:00)
o ****1/4

• (5 on 5) Survivor Series match: Team Bischoff (Chris Jericho, Christian, Randy Orton, Scott Steiner and Mark Henry) defeated Team Austin (Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, and D-Von Dudley) (27:27)
o As a result of his team losing, Austin lost his position as Co-General Manager of RAW
o ****1/4

• Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho (22:33)
o Michaels pinned Jericho after a rollup.
o ****1/4

• Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship (21:04)
o Lesnar pinned Angle after a F-5.
o After the match, Lesnar and Angle shook hands.
o ****1/4

• Brock Lesnar defeated Chris Benoit to retain the WWE Championship
o Lesnar made Benoit give up with the BrockLock
o ****

• Brock Lesnar won the 2003 Royal Rumble (53:41)
o Lesnar last eliminated The Undertaker, who made his return after taking a few months off.
o ****

Armageddon 2003 Review

Prepare yourself...

• Booker T defeated Mark Henry (w/Theodore Long) (9:19)
o Booker pinned Henry after a Scissors Kick.
o *1/2
These guys had a no dq match the RAW before, now they have a regular match?

• Randy Orton (w/Ric Flair) defeated Rob Van Dam (w/Mick Foley as Special Guest Referee) to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship (17:59)
o Orton pinned RVD after an RKO.
o **1/4
MOTN. At **1/4.

• Chris Jericho and Christian defeated Trish Stratus and Lita (6:37)
o Christian pinned Stratus with a Schoolboy.
o ¾*
What a joke.

• Shawn Michaels defeated Batista (w/Ric Flair) (12:28)
o Michaels pinned Batista after the Sweet Chin Music.
o **
Shawn can't do it all.

• Ric Flair and Batista won a Tag Team Turmoil match to win the World Tag Team Championship (20:48)
o The other participants were The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (c), La Résistance (Robért Conway and René Duprée), Val Venis and Lance Storm, Scott Steiner and Test, The Hurricane and Rosey, and Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade.
o Hurricane pinned Conway after a Super Hero Splash (3:16)
o Jindrak pinned Hurricane after a Roll-up (3:34)
o Jindrak pinned Venis after Cade clipped Venis' legs during a suplex and held his legs down (7:17)
o Bubba Ray pinned Jindrak after after a 3D (11:29)
o Bubba Ray pinned Test after a Bubba Bomb (16:38)
o Batista pinned D-Von after a Batista Bomb (20:48)
o **
Kind of random.

• Molly Holly defeated Ivory to retain the WWE Women's Championship (4:23)
o Molly pinned Ivory by rolling through a pin attempt and grabbing Ivory's tights for leverage.
o ¼*
Generic "2nd to last match womens match so everyone can go take a leak" match here.

• Triple H defeated Goldberg (c) and Kane in a No disqualification Triple Threat match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (19:28)
o Triple H pinned Goldberg after Kane Chokeslammed Goldberg.
o *3/4
And HHH gets his title back.

~ One of the worst PPVs ever, with one of the lowest buyrates ever.

~ Bonus match: Raw, weeks later. Shawn Michaels and HHH wrestled to a draw when both men’s shoulders were pinned to the mat. ****1/4

2003 Survivor Series Review

HBK does it again.

• (5 on 5) Survivor Series match: Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Hardcore Holly, and Bradshaw) defeated Team Lesnar (Brock Lesnar, The Big Show, Matt Morgan, Nathan Jones and A-Train) (13:15)

Elimination #
Eliminated by
Elimination move

Hardcore Holly
Team Angle
No One
Disqualified for pushing the referee while attacking Lesnar before the match

Team Lesnar
Pinfall after a Clothesline from Hell

Team Angle
Big Show
Pinfall after a Chokeslam

Matt Morgan
Team Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Pinfall after an Angle Slam

Nathan Jones
Team Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Submission by Ankle lock

Kurt Angle
Team Angle
Brock Lesnar
Pinfall after a F-5

Brock Lesnar
Team Lesnar
Chris Benoit
Submission by Crippler Crossface

Big Show
Team Lesnar
John Cena
Pinfall after a chain shot and F-U

Survivors: John Cena and Chris Benoit (Team Angle)
o **1/2
Solid for what it was. It was around this time that I felt the title coming Benoit's way.

• Molly Holly defeated Lita to retain the WWE Women's Championship (6:48)
o Molly pinned Lita after a drop toe hold into an exposed turnbuckle.
o *1/4
Generic women's match.

• Kane defeated Shane McMahon in an Ambulance match (13:34)
o Kane won after he hit the Tombstone Piledriver on the floor and threw Shane into the ambulance.
o **1/4
I don't know I had some fun with this match.

• The Basham Bros. (Doug and Danny) defeated Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo) to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (7:31)
o Danny pinned Chavo with a roll-up.
o *3/4
Just OK.

• (5 on 5) Survivor Series match: Team Bischoff (Chris Jericho, Christian, Randy Orton, Scott Steiner and Mark Henry) defeated Team Austin (Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, and D-Von Dudley) (27:27)
Elimination #
Eliminated by
Elimination move

Scott Steiner
Team Bischoff
Booker T
Pinfall after a Book-end

Booker T
Team Austin
Mark Henry
Pinfall after a World's Strongest slam

Mark Henry
Team Bischoff
RVD and the Dudleyz
Pinfall after a 3-D and Five-Star Frog splash

Team Austin
Randy Orton
Pinfall after an RKO

D-Von Dudley
Team Austin
Chris Jericho
Pinfall after a Flashback

Bubba Ray Dudley
Team Austin
Pinfall after an Unprettier

Team Bischoff
Shawn Michaels
Pinfall after a Sweet Chin Music

Chris Jericho
Team Bischoff
Shawn Michaels
Pinfall with a Cradle

Shawn Michaels
Team Austin
Randy Orton
Pinfall after a Batista bomb by an interfering Batista

Survivor: Randy Orton (Team Bischoff)
o As a result of his team losing, Austin lost his position as Co-General Manager of RAW
o ****1/4
This should have been the main event.

• Vince McMahon defeated The Undertaker in a Buried Alive match (11:59)
o Vince won when Kane interfered and buried Undertaker using a bulldozer.
o ½*
Crap. Next.

• Goldberg defeated Triple H (w/Ric Flair) to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (11:44)
o Goldberg pinned Triple H after a Spear and Jackhammer.
o **
Nothing to write home about.

~ One great match, nothing else is worth a viewing.

~ Bonus match: SmackDown, weeks later. Benoit was defeated by Brock Lesnar, who retained his title with the BrockLock. ****

No Mercy 2003 Review

Brock vs. Undertaker at No Mercy...again...

• Tajiri defeated Rey Mysterio to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (11:51)
o Tajiri pinned Mysterio after a swift kick to the head.
o Akio and Sakoda made their debut by distracting Mysterio.
o ***1/2
Fun little match.

• Chris Benoit defeated A-Train (12:33)
o Benoit forced A-Train to submit to the Sharpshooter. The ending was dedicated to Stu Hart, who died days before the event.
o **
I thought A-Train was gonna win. That's all I got.

• Zach Gowen defeated Matt Hardy (5:28)
o Gowen pinned Hardy after a Moonsault.
o *
Poor Matt.

• The Basham Brothers (Doug and Danny) (w/Shaniqua) defeated The APA (Faarooq and Bradshaw) (8:54)
o Doug pinned Bradshaw after Shaniqua hit Bradshaw with a lead pipe.
o ¾*
Why should I care?

• Vince McMahon (w/Sable) defeated Stephanie McMahon (w/Linda McMahon) in an "I Quit" Match (9:24)
o Vince beat Stephanie when Linda threw in the towel after Vince started choking Stephanie with a lead pipe.
o According to the prematch stipulation, Stephanie lost her job as SmackDown! General Manager. If Vince had lost he would have given up ownership of WWE.
o 1/2*
Movin on.

• Kurt Angle defeated John Cena (18:25)
o Angle forced Cena to submit to the Ankle Lock.
o ***3/4
Nice match from Cena as Angle always brings the goods.

• The Big Show defeated Eddie Guerrero to win the WWE United States Championship (11:25)
o Big Show pinned Guerrero after a Chokeslam.
o *3/4
No point in jobbing Eddie here.

• Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker in a Biker Chain Match to retain the WWE Championship (24:17)
o Lesnar pinned Undertaker after hitting him with the biker chain.
o The F.B.I. and Vince McMahon interfered in this match on Lesnar's behalf.
o **1/4
OK I guess.

~ A ***1/2 match and a ***3/4 match help this show to decent.

Judgement Day 2003 Review

Oh yeah, forgot to post this one. So much for the shows being in order.

• John Cena and The F.B.I. (Chuck Palumbo and Johnny Stamboli) defeated Chris Benoit, Rhyno and Spanky(3:58)
o Stamboli pinned Spanky after the Kiss of Death.
o **
Way too short.

• La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier and René Duprée) defeated Test and Scott Steiner (w/Stacy Keibler)(6:19)
o Grenier pinned Steiner after a Bonsoir.
o *3/4
Not that bad actually.

• Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri defeated Team Angle (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) in a Ladder match to win the WWE Tag Team Championship(14:18)
o Eddie grabbed the belts to win.
o ***1/4
Forgetable as a ladder match.

• Christian won a Battle Royal also involving: Val Venis, Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Test, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Goldust and Booker T to win the re-activated WWE Intercontinental Championship(11:38)
o Christian last eliminated Booker T to win.
o The battle royal consisted entirely of men who had previously been IC Champion (with the exception of Booker T).
o *1/2

• Torrie Wilson defeated Sable in a Bikini contest
o Tazz was the host and declared Wilson the winner without consulting the crowd.
o No Rating

• Mr. America (w/Zach Gowen) defeated Roddy Piper (w/Sean O'Haire)(4:58)
o Mr. America pinned Piper after a leg drop.
Please Piper, put on a shirt!

• Kevin Nash defeated World Heavyweight Champion Triple H(7:25)
o Triple H was disqualified after hitting referee Earl Hebner with a sledge hammer, Triple H retained the title.
o *1/4
Hardly the classic they were promising.

• Jazz defeated Victoria, Jacqueline and Trish Stratus in a Fatal 4-Way Match to retain the WWE Women's Championship(4:48)
o Jazz pinned Jacqueline after a DDT.
o ¾*
Yay, and I don't care.

• Brock Lesnar defeated The Big Show in a Stretcher match to retain the WWE Championship (15:27)
o Lesnar put Big Show on the stretcher on a forklift and dragged him across the line to win.
o ***
Not bad considering it's a Big Show match.

~ Another average show, this one saved by 2 *** matches.

Unforgiven 2003 Review

See ya later Goldberg or HHH's title reign. It's what they call, "win-win"

• The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated Rob Conway and La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier and René Duprée) in a Handicap Tables match to win the World Tag Team Championship (10:17)
o The Dudley Boyz put Duprée through the final table to win the titles.
o Spike Dudley was scheduled to be in the match but had to be pulled out due to injury, turning it into a handicap match.
o **
Nothing going on.

• Test (w/Stacy Keibler) defeated Scott Steiner (6:56)
o Test pinned Steiner after Stacy accidentally hit Steiner with a steel chair.
o As a result of losing, Steiner had to become Test's property. If Test had lost, then Stacy would have been freed from Test.
o ¾*
Oooooooooo, like I care.

• Randy Orton (w/Ric Flair) defeated Shawn Michaels (18:47)
o Orton pinned Michaels after hitting him with a pair of brass knuckles.
o ***
Not that good for a long HBK match.

• Trish Stratus and Lita defeated Molly Holly and Gail Kim (6:46)
o Lita pinned Molly after a Moonsault.
o *
More stuff that doesn't matter.

• Kane defeated Shane McMahon in a Last Man Standing match (19:42)
o Kane won the match when Shane couldn't get up after missing a Leap of Faith off of the TitanTron.
o **1/4
I actually liked this feud a little. This match sucked was just OK.

• Christian defeated Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (19:03)
o Christian pinned RVD after hitting him with the title belt.
o ***1/4
Good match. Better than I remember actually.

• Al Snow and Jonathan Coachman defeated Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler (8:16)
o Coach pinned JR after a dropkick by Chris Jericho.
o The winners of this match won the right to be the announcers for RAW.
o -**
The best thing about this match was there was no announcing from these 4.

• Goldberg defeated Triple H to win the World Heavyweight Championship (14:57)
o Goldberg pinned Triple H after a Jackhammer.
o If Goldberg had lost the match, he would have had to permanently retire from wrestling.
o **1/2
I can live with it.

~ Bad show with 1 good match.
~Bonus Match: Raw, 2 weeks later. RVD beat Christian in a ladder match to win th Intercontinental title.
o ***3/4

Summerslam 2003 Review and Lesnar vs Angle Iron Man match.

Well there's no way HHH can win this match...right?

• La Résistance (René Duprée and Sylvain Grenier) defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (w/Spike Dudley) to retain the World Tag Team Championship (7:49)
o Duprée pinned D-Von after a "cameraman", the newly debuted Rob Conway, hit D-Von with a camera.
o **
OK opener.

• The Undertaker defeated A-Train (w/Sable) (9:19)
o Undertaker pinned A-Train after a chokeslam.
o Sable and Stephanie McMahon, who came down to the ring, briefly fought with each other after the match.
o *
John Cena is left off for A-train?

• Shane McMahon defeated Eric Bischoff in a No Disqualification Falls Count Anywhere match (10:36)
o McMahon pinned Bischoff after a Leap of Faith through the Spanish announcers table.
o The match originally was a normal match until mid-way through when Jonathan Coachman hit McMahon with a chair. Bischoff then made the match a No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere match.
o After the match Steve Austin made his way down to the ring and gave the Stone Cold Stunner to Coachman and then Bischoff when McMahon made Bischoff slap Austin (signifying being physically provoked).
o *1/4
Overbooked crap.

• Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit, Rhyno and Tajiri in a Fatal Four-Way match to retain the WWE United States Championship (10:50)
o Guerrero pinned Rhyno after a Frog Splash to the back of Rhyno.
o ***1/2
Good but a wish it could have had a few more minutes.

• Kurt Angle defeated Brock Lesnar to retain the WWE Championship (21:17)
o Angle forced Lesnar to submit with the Ankle lock.
o After the match, Angle gave Vince McMahon an Angle Slam onto the unfolded steel chair.
o ***3/4
Not as good as it could have been.

• Kane defeated Rob Van Dam in a No Holds Barred match (12:49)
o Kane pinned RVD after a Tombstone Piledriver on the steel steps.
o *3/4
Like RVD had any chance.

• Triple H defeated Goldberg, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels in a Elimination Chamber match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (19:12)
Elimination number:
Entry number:
Eliminated by:
How they were Eliminated:

Kevin Nash
Chris Jericho
Sweet Chin Music by Michaels, followed by a roll-up by Jericho

Randy Orton

Shawn Michaels

Chris Jericho

Triple H
A sledgehammer to the head

o ***1/4
Suprisingly short for an EC match. Good though.

~ 3 of the last 4 matches were good, everything else was not.

~ August 28 – Undertaker beat Lesnar and Big Show for #1 Contendership. ***1/4

~ September 4 – Undertaker beat Angle by DQ (Angle retains Title). ***1/2

~ September 18 - Brock Lesnar beat Kurt Angle in a 60 minute Iron Man Match.
o At the 8:40 mark, Brock Lesnar got himself disqualified by using a steel chair on Kurt Angle.
o Kurt Angle - 1; Brock Lesnar - 0;
o Brock Lesnar used the 15 second rest period to get a drink of water, then got in and F5'd Kurt Angle and pinned him.
o Kurt Angle - 1; Brock Lesnar - 1;
o At the 12:00 mark, Brock Lesnar made Kurt Angle tap out to the ankle lock!
o Kurt Angle - 1; Brock Lesnar - 2;
o At the 18:00 mark, Brock Lesnar hit Kurt Angle with an F5 on the mats outside the ring
o ~~~Brock Lesnar rolled into the ring and Kurt Angle got counted out!
o Kurt Angle - 1; Brock Lesnar - 3;
o At the 26:00 mark, Kurt Angle nailed an AngleSlam on Brock Lesnar and pinned him.
o Kurt Angle - 2; Brock Lesnar - 3;
o At the 28:00 mark, Kurt Angle reversed the F5 into an anklelock, but Brock Lesnar countered out of it.
o ~~~Brock Lesnar flung Kurt Angle into the referee, who took a bump and was out cold.
o At the 30:00 mark, Brock Lesnar whacked Kurt Angle with the WWE title belt and got another 3-count.
o Kurt Angle - 2; Brock Lesnar - 4;
o At the 45:00 mark, Brock Lesnar nailed a superplex on Kurt Angle for yet another pinfall.
o Kurt Angle - 2; Brock Lesnar - 5;
o At the 50:00 mark, Brock Lesnar went to the top rope (for a shooting star press)..
o ~~~Kurt Angle got up and nailed a belly-to-belly superplex and pinned Brock Lesnar.
o Kurt Angle - 3; Brock Lesnar - 5;
o At the 56:00 mark, Kurt Angle made Brock Lesnar tap out to the ankle lock.
o Kurt Angle - 4; Brock Lesnar - 5;
o At the 59:40 mark, Kurt Angle got Brock Lesnar back into a firm ankle lock!!
o ~~~Brock Lesnar held on for 20 second as time runs out, to WIN THE WWE TITLE.
o ****1/4

Vengeance 2003 Review

The 1st Smackdown PPV.

• Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit to win the first WWE United States Championship (22:14)
o Guerrero pinned Benoit with a Frog Splash after Rhyno Gored Benoit.
o This was the finals of a tournament to crown the first WWE US Champion.
o ***3/4
Never liked these guys against each other in WWE. I mean they could have hit **** but never did imo.

• Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) defeated Billy Gunn (w/Torrie Wilson) (5:00)
o Noble pinned Gunn with a roll-up. As a result, Noble won the right to spend a night with Torrie Wilson.
o *1/2
Served it's purpose.

• Bradshaw defeated Shannon Moore, Doink The Clown, Faarooq, Brother Love, Nunzio, Matt Hardy, A-Train, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, The Easter Bunny, Sean O'Haire, John Hennigan, Orlando Jordan, Funaki, Los Conquistadores (Rob Conway and Johnny Jeter), The Brooklyn Brawler, Johnny Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo, Matt Cappotelli and Spanky in the APA Invitational Bar Room Brawl (4:29)
o Bradshaw won the match when he leveled Brother Love with a beer bottle.

• The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) defeated Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (14:53)
o Benjamin pinned Mysterio after a springboard clothesline/powerbomb combo on Mysterio.
o ****1/4
Great stuff from everyone in this match.

• Sable defeated Stephanie McMahon in a No Count-Out match (6:29)
o Sable pinned Stephanie after A-Train came out and clotheslined Stephanie.
o -**
Too long and...uh...bad...

• The Undertaker defeated John Cena (16:02)
o Undertaker pinned Cena after a Last Ride.
o ***1/4
I was loving the Cena heel character around this point.

• Vince McMahon (w/Sable) defeated Zach Gowen (14:22)
o McMahon pinned Gowen when Zach missed a one-legged moonsault.
o *3/4
Too long but not God awful or anything.

• Kurt Angle defeated Brock Lesnar (c) and The Big Show in a No Disqualification Triple Threat match to win the WWE Championship (17:38)
o Angle pinned Lesnar after an Angle Slam.
o ***3/4
I remember this match being better. Hmmm. Still really good though.

~ This is more like it. 3 matches at at least ***1/2 and one as a MOTYC.

~ July 31 – Eddie Guerrero beat Tajiri. ***1/4

~ August 7 – Benoit and Tajiri beat Guerrero and Rhyno. ***1/2

~ August 14 - TWGTT beat Mysterio and Kidman. ***3/4

~ August 18 – Chris Jericho defeated Kevin Nash in a Hair vs. Hair Match. **

~ August 21 – Angle beat Big Show in a Street Fight. **1/2

Badd Blood 2003 Review

THe first RAW PPV.

• Rodney Mack and Christopher Nowinski (w/Theodore Long) defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (7:07)
o Nowinksi pinned Bubba after hitting him with his protective face mask.
o *1/2
Nothing special.

• Scott Steiner defeated Test (6:23)
o Steiner pinned Test after a Steiner Flatliner to win the managerial services of Stacy Keibler.
o *
Steiner falling off the apron makes this match a must see.

• Booker T defeated WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian by disqualification (7:53)
o Christian was disqualified for hitting Booker with the IC Title belt, Christian retained the title.
o **
Generic RAW match.

• La Résistance (René Duprée and Sylvain Grenier) defeated Rob Van Dam and Kane to win the World Tag Team Championship (5:47)
o Grenier and Duprée pinned RVD after a Bonsoir.
o 3/4*
More shit.

• Goldberg defeated Chris Jericho (10:53)
o Goldberg pinned Jericho after a Spear and Jackhammer.
o ***
Suprisingly watchable thanks to Y2J.

• Ric Flair defeated Shawn Michaels (14:18)
o Flair pinned Michaels after Randy Orton interfered and hit Michaels with a steel chair.
o ***1/2

• Steve Austin defeated Eric Bischoff in a "Redneck Triathlon".
o Austin defeated Bischoff in a Burping Contest.
o Bischoff defeated Austin in a Pie-Eating Contest (featuring Mae Young as the pie) by forfeit.
o The Singing Contest was a draw when both men agreed they sucked at singing.
o Austin won the tie breaker by throwing Bischoff into a pig pen.
God this was stupid.

• Triple H defeated Kevin Nash (w/Mick Foley as Special Guest Referee) in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (21:01)
o Triple H pinned Nash after a sledgehammer shot and a Pedigree.
o ***
Good not great.

~ The last 3 matches were good, not much else.

~ June 23 – HHH retained the title by beating Kane in a Mask vs. Title match. **1/2

~ June 30 – HHH beat RVD in a Falls Count Anywhere match to retain the title. **3/4

~ July 21 – Chris Jericho beat Shawn Michaels. ***1/2

Insurrextion 2003 Review

• Jazz (w/Theodore Long) defeated Trish Stratus to retain the WWE Women's Championship (10:45)
o Jazz pinned Stratus when Theodore Long rammed Trish shoulder first into the ring post whilst the ref was distracted by Victoria.
o *3/4

• Christian defeated Booker T to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (15:55)
o Christian pinned Booker after reversing a roll-up and using the ropes for leverage.
o **

• Rob Van Dam and Kane defeated La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier and René Duprée) to retain the World Tag Team Championship (10:43)
o RVD pinned Grenier after a Five Star Frog Splash .
o *1/2

• Goldust defeated Rico (11:15)
o Goldust pinned Rico after a Director's Cut.
o ½*

• Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff

• The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray, D-Von, and Spike) defeated Rodney Mack, Christopher Nowinski and Theodore Long (10:00)
o Spike pinned Long after Mack accidentally clotheslined him.
o After the match Nowinski received a 3D through a table.
o *1/4

• Scott Steiner defeated Test (w/Val Venis as Special Guest Referee and Stacey Keibler as Special Guest ring Announcer) (7:33)
o Steiner pinned Test after a Steiner Flatliner.
o *

• Triple H (w/Ric Flair) defeated Kevin Nash (w/Shawn Michaels) in a Street Fight to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (16:33)
o Triple H pinned Nash after hitting him with a sledgehammer.
o **1/4

Other shows

The Office - This is my favorite show. I have never not liked an episode. I really consider the 1st episode of the new year to be 2 episodes because its all they were. That being said, I liked the 1st episode (or 1st half) a lot, like I usually do. The 2nd episode (or 2nd half) was the worst episode of the show I've ever seen. It was still ok, but I have high expectations for a show this consistanly great. The preview for next week's episode appears to be good, but I'll see. This show has more than earned a free pass on one episode, but I hate that it was the 1st one of a new season.

Chuck - I was not really expecting much from this. It looked like it had potential but the thousands of previews really lowered my appreciation for it. The 1st episode was good though. It had some nice moments. The guy who plays Chuck is kinda acting a little too much like Jim from The Office though. Still, I'll give it another go. I think it could last 1 season.

Heroes - Man was I dissapointed with this one. I'm not the biggest Heroes guy (in fact I sometimes feel like I like this show less than any fan of it ever, even though I like it.) Hope it picks up and Sylar returns to kick some Hero ass.

My Name is Earl - Like Heroes, I feel like I am the fan of the show who likes it the least. It's always just been an OK to good show to me. This episode however was great. I liked it better than The Office (high expectations for that to low ones for this). I hope it keeps up.

The Big Bang Theory - Another show that I thought about watching, stopped thinking about it, then watched it anyway. Solid stuff for a 1st episode. I don't know, I see it getting cancelled after about half a season (I hope not).

Back to You - Man was this show bad. I mean, they already have a storyline going and then they throw in the kid? Ugh. I never give up on a show after one episode (do to every pilot usually being awful. Look at some of your favorite shows and watch the pilot. It is always the worst my friends.) I'll keep watching but if it continues its awfulness then I'm out. This will be canceled soon.

Shows I have on DVR but have yet to watch: K-ville(1st and 2nd ep), Journeyman, House, and Reaper.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Backlash 2003 Review

The dream match no one cares about...LIVE!

• Team Angle (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) defeated Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Guerrero) to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (15:03)
o Haas pinned Chavo after Benjamin clipped Chavo's legs during a suplex attempt.
o ***
Good, but I feel like I've seen it a million times.

• Sean O'Haire (w/Roddy Piper) defeated Rikishi (4:52)
o O'Haire pinned Rikishi after the Prophecy
o ½*
Just a amtch to showcase O'Haire.

• Rob Van Dam and Kane defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (w/Chief Morley as special referee) to retain the World Tag Team Championship (13:01)
o RVD pinned Bubba Ray after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
o *3/4
Way too long for the Dudley Boys to work as heels.

• Jazz(w/Theodore Long) defeated Trish Stratus to win the WWE Women's Championship (5:50)
o Jazz pinned Stratus countering a springboard sunset flip attempt and using the ropes for leverage.
o *
I swear, all these women's matches mesh together.

• The Big Show defeated Rey Mysterio (3:47)
o Big Show pinned Mysterio after a Chokeslam.
o ½*
Smackdown match. Although, Show did swing Rey like a back while he was on the stretcher into the ring post. It was kinda cool the first 10 times they showed it, but the next 20 it was like, "c'mon already."

• Brock Lesnar defeated John Cena to retain the WWE Championship (15:14)
o Lesnar pinned Cena after an F-5.
o **1/4
Cena could not carry Lesnar as a heel at this point.

• Triple H, Ric Flair and Chris Jericho defeated Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Booker T in a 6-man Tag Team match (17:51)
o Triple H pinned Nash after a sledgehammer shot to the head.
o ***
A RAW main event without commercial breaks is the best way I could describe this match.

• Goldberg defeated The Rock (13:03)
o Goldberg pinned The Rock after two Spears and Jackhammer.
o *3/4
13 minutes is too long for a Goldberg match.

~ This PPV sucked bad.

Wrestlemania XIX Review

It's Wrestlemania! What more do you want?

• Matt Hardy (w/Shannon Moore) defeated Rey Mysterio to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (5:39)
o Hardy pinned Mysterio using leverage from the ropes.
o **
Too short to be anything.

• The Undertaker defeated The Big Show and A-Train in a Handicap match (9:45)
o Undertaker pinned A-Train after a Tombstone Piledriver.
o Nathan Jones, who was scheduled to be Undertaker's partner for the match, made a brief run-in to help Undertaker in the end.
o Limp Bizkit performed The Undertaker's entrance music live.
o *
This probably should have had a few minutes chopped off and given to the 1st match.

• Trish Stratus defeated Victoria (w/Stevie Richards) (c) and Jazz in a Triple Threat match to win the WWE Women's Championship (7:17)
o Stratus pinned Victoria after a Chick Kick.
o *3/4
Just a generic triple threat match with women.

• Team Angle (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) defeated Los Guerreros (Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero) and Chris Benoit and Rhyno in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (8:46)
o Benjamin pinned Chavo after Rhyno hit Chavo with the Gore.
o **3/4
Not a thing happening here.

• Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho (22:33)
o Michaels pinned Jericho after a rollup.
o ****1/4
Great match. Great build up as well.

• A pillow fight between Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson and the Miller Lite Catfight girls, Kitana Baker and Tanya Ballinger went to a no contest.
Fast forward.

• Triple H (w/Ric Flair) defeated Booker T to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (18:47)
o Triple H pinned Booker after a Pedigree.
o ***
HHH hit the Pedigree and waited like 15 seconds before he pinned Booker. Only in the WWE could you have a rivalry based on race and have the racist WIN!

• Hulk Hogan defeated Vince McMahon in a Street Fight (20:48)
o Hogan pinned McMahon after three Leg drops.
o **1/2
Just an overblown Mcmahon match.

• The Rock defeated Steve Austin (17:53)
o Rock pinned Austin after three Rock Bottoms.
o This was Austin’s last match.
o ***3/4
Not as strong as X-7 but better than XV.

• Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship (21:04)
o Lesnar pinned Angle after a F-5.
o After the match, Lesnar and Angle shook hands.
o ****1/4
Crowd was dead for it but fuck 'em. This was a great way to send Angle out. I though he was gonna be out for at least a year, but Angle is some kind of alien and he came back 3 months later.

~ 3 matches at at least ***1/2 with 2 being ****1/4. Good enough for me.

No Way Out 2003 Review

Oh yeah, there's still a PPV before Mania...oops...

• Chris Jericho defeated Jeff Hardy (12:59)
o Jericho forced Hardy to submit with the Walls of Jericho.
o ***1/4
Solid stuff from a usually unmotivated Jeff Hardy.

• William Regal and Lance Storm defeated Kane and Rob Van Dam to retain the World Tag Team Championship (9:20)
o Regal pinned RVD after a blinded Kane accidentally chokeslammed RVD.
o *1/4
I remember Regal got body slammed on his head and was knocked out for a bit. That's pretty much all that happened in this "classic."

• Matt Hardy defeated Billy Kidman to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (9:31)
o Hardy pinned Kidman after a Twist of Fate from the top rope.
o **1/2
So much for the cruiserweight division.

• The Undertaker defeated The Big Show (14:08)
o Undertaker forced Big Show to submit with a Triangle Choke.
o **1/2
Nice Tope from Taker and one of their best matches.

• Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit defeated Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) (w/Paul Heyman) in a Handicap match (13:19)
o Benoit forced Haas to submit with the Crippler Crossface.
o Edge was scheduled to team with Lesnar and Benoit, but was ambushed (kayfabe) by Team Angle backstage prior to the match.
o **3/4
A little dissapointing but solid none the less.

• Triple H defeated Scott Steiner to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (13:01)
o Triple H pinned Steiner after a Pedigree.
o *
Much better than last month. Of course it still sucked.

• Steve Austin defeated Eric Bischoff (4:26)
o Austin pinned Bischoff after 3 consecutive Stone Cold Stunners.
Not really a match.

• The Rock defeated Hulk Hogan(12:20)
o Rock pinned Hogan after a chairshot and Rock Bottom.
o *1/2
Not even close to last year's epic encounter. Just dull stuff with no heat.

Generic No Way Out show before Mania.

2003 Royal Rumble Review

Let the road start here...

• Royal Rumble Qualification match: Brock Lesnar defeated The Big Show (w/Paul Heyman) (6:29)
o Lesnar pinned Big Show after an F-5.
o **
Generic stuff.

• The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated William Regal and Lance Storm to win the World Tag Team Championship (7:24)
o D-Von pinned Storm after hitting him with brass knuckles brought into the match by Regal.
o *3/4
More stuff.

• Torrie Wilson defeated Dawn Marie (3:36)
o Torrie pinned Marie after a swinging neckbreaker.
Awful match with an even worse story line.

• Scott Steiner defeated World Heavyweight Champion Triple H by disqualification (18:14)
o Triple H was disqualified after hitting Steiner with a sledgehammer, resulting in Triple H retaining the title.
o After the match, Steiner assaulted Triple H and Ric Flair with the sledgehammer and locked in the Steiner Recliner on Triple H.
o ¼*
The crowd booed Steiner out of the building.

• Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit to retain the WWE Championship (19:48)
o Angle forced Benoit to submit with the Ankle Lock.
o ****3/4
MOTYC need look no further.

• Brock Lesnar won the 2003 Royal Rumble (53:41)
o Lesnar last eliminated The Undertaker, who made his return after taking a few months off.
Eliminated by
Shawn Michaels

Chris Jericho

Christopher Nowinski

Rey Mysterio



Chavo Guerrero


Bill DeMott

Tommy Dreamer
Jericho & Christian


Rob Van Dam

Matt Hardy

Eddie Guerrero

Jeff Hardy
Van Dam



John Cena

Charlie Haas




Shelton Benjamin

Booker T
Benjamin & Haas

Kane & Van Dam




Brock Lesnar

The Undertaker
o ****
~ MOTYC and one of the best Rumble matches ever.

The last 2 matches were great. Rumble takes up much of the time and it was really good, so in turn it was a good show.

~ January 23 - Kurt Angle beat Rey Mysterio. ***1/2

~ January 30 – Team Angle beat Chris Benoit and Edge for #1 contendership. ***1/4

~ February 6 – Team Angle beat Los Guerreros to win the Tag Team titles. ***

~ February 6 – Kurt Angle beat Chris Benoit. ***3/4

TNA No Surrender 2007 Review

• Team Pacman (Adam Jones and Ron Killings) defeated Kurt Angle and Sting to win the TNA World Tag Team Championship (5:56)
o Jones pinned Sting after an Olympic Slam from Angle.
o *1/4

• Rhino defeated James Storm (w/Jackie Moore) (9:23)
o Rhino pinned Storm after a Gore through a table.
o After the match, Rhino Gored Moore.
o **3/4

• Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks) defeated Kaz (13:47)
o Roode pinned Kaz after The Payoff.
o **3/4

• Jay Lethal defeated Kurt Angle to win the TNA X Division Championship (12:19)
o Lethal pinned Angle by reversing an Ankle Lock into a roll-up.
o ***1/2

• Chris Harris defeated Black Reign in a No Disqualification match (5:14)
o Harris pinned Black Reign with a Inside Cradle.
o ¾*

• Christian's Coalition (A.J. Styles and Tomko) won a 10-Team Gauntlet Match (25:40)
o Styles pinned Sabin with a roll-up to earn a TNA World Tag Team Championship match at Bound for Glory.
o The match also involved: The Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James), The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez), Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon), The Motor City Machineguns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley), Triple X (Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper), Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams, Serotonin (Raven and Havok), Eric Young and Shark Boy, and Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave.
o ***

• Christian Cage defeated Samoa Joe by disqualification (15:59)
o Joe was disqualified after attacking the referee when he tried to break up a hold.
o After the match, Joe continued to attack referees and security.
o ***1/2

• Kurt Angle defeated Abyss to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (19:24)
o Angle forced Abyss to submit with the Ankle Lock.
o After the match, Judas Mesias came out from under the ring and pulled Abyss under with him.
o ***1/4

TNA Hard Justice 2007 Review

• Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal defeated The Motor City Machineguns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) and Triple X (Christopher Daniels and Senshi) (w/Elix Skipper) (15:36)
o Lethal pinned Daniels with a small package.
o ***1/2

• Kaz defeated Raven (w/Havok and Martyr) (5:37)
o Kaz pinned Raven with a dropkick.
o **

• James Storm (w/Jackie Moore) defeated Rhino in a Bar Room Brawl (13:03)
o Storm pinned Rhino after hitting him in the back of the head with a beer bottle.
o **

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) defeated The Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James) (w/Roxy Laveaux) (5:06)
o Homicide pinned Kip James with a Victory roll.
o The match originally ended with Kip James pinning Hernandez, but the match was restarted.
o ¾*

• Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks) defeated Eric Young (9:26)
o Roode pinned Young after hitting him with brass knuckles
o As per stipulation, Young was supposed to be tarred and feathered, but Gail Kim saved him and they tarred and feathered Brooks.
o *1/2

• Chris Harris defeated Black Reign by disqualification (4:40)
o Black Reign was disqualified after attacking a referee.

• The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (11:01)
o Scott pinned Devon after a Steiner Bulldog.
o *1/4

• Abyss, Andrew Martin and Sting defeated Christian's Coalition (Christian Cage, A.J. Styles and Tomko) in a Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match (10:10)
o Abyss pinned Styles after a Black Hole Slam onto broken glass to earn a TNA World Heavyweight Championship match at No Surrender.
o The rules stated that an opponent must be bleeding in order to be pinned.
o *

• Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe to retain the TNA World Heavyweight and IWGP World Heavyweight Championships and to win the TNA X Division and TNA World Tag Team Championships (18:31)
o Angle pinned Joe after a chair shot.
o ***

TNA Victory Road 2007 Review

• Christopher Daniels won a Ultimate X Gauntlet match (18:48)
Eliminated by

Christopher Daniels

Jay Lethal



Sonjay Dutt

Petey Williams

Shark Boy

Elix Skipper



o Daniels grabbed the "X" with the help of Skipper and Senshi to become #1 contender to the TNA X Division Championship.
o The match started out as a Gauntlet, but became a standard Ultimate X match once all ten wrestlers were in the ring.
o After the match Triple X reformed.
o ***1/2

• The Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James) (w/Roxxi Laveaux) defeated Basham and Damaja (w/Christy Hemme and Lance Hoyt) (7:03)
o Kip pinned Damaja after B.G. hit Damaja with a steel chair.
o ½*

• James Storm defeated Rhino (10:26)
o Storm pinned Rhino after hitting him with a beer bottle.
o Jackie Moore was banned from ringside, but came out to help Storm attack Rhino after the match.
o *1/2

• The Motor City Machineguns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) (w/Kevin Nash) defeated Jerry Lynn and Bob Backlund (8:44)
o Sabin pinned Lynn after an Enzuigiri / Superkick combination.
o During the match, Nash interfered on Sabin and Shelley's behalf.
o *3/4

• Eric Young and Gail Kim defeated Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks (8:17)
o Kim pinned Brooks after Roode inadvertently hit her with an elbow drop.
o **

• Christian Cage defeated Chris Harris (13:58)
o Cage pinned Harris with a roll-up after Dustin Rhodes hit Harris in the back with a pair of handcuffs.
o **3/4

• Sting and Abyss defeated A.J. Styles and Tomko (15:33)
o Abyss pinned Tomko after a Black Hole Slam.
o **1/2

• TNA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle and TNA X Division Champion Samoa Joe defeated TNA World Tag Team Champions Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (18:25)
o Joe pinned Ray after Scott Steiner hit Ray with a steel pipe and Kurt did an Olympic slam.
o Per the pre-match stipulation, Joe won the Tag Team Championship and was allowed to pick his partner.
o During the match, the Steiner Brothers interfered and attacked Team 3D.
o ***

TNA Slammiversary 2007 Review

• Rhino and Senshi (w/Hector Guerrero) defeated The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) (8:25)
o Rhino pinned Homicide after a Gore.
o Chris Harris was originally scheduled to be Rhino's partner.
o ***1/4

• Jay Lethal defeated Chris Sabin to win the TNA X Division Championship (8:52)
o Lethal pinned Sabin after a Diving Elbow Drop.
o ***

• Frank Wycheck and Jerry Lynn (w/Kyle Vanden Bosch) defeated James Storm and Ron Killings (w/Jackie Moore) (8:52)
o Wycheck pinned Storm after a Cradle Piledriver.
o **

• Bob Backlund defeated Alex Shelley (3:46)
o Backlund pinned Shelley with a roll-up.
o After the match, Shelley and Chris Sabin attacked Backlund.
o ¼*

• The Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James) defeated Basham and Damaja (w/Christy Hemme) (2:47)
o Kip pinned Damaja with a Small Package.
o ½*

• Eric Young defeated Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks) (9:09)
o Young pinned Roode with an Inside Cradle.
o Roode had originally pinned Young after hitting him with a steel chair, but the match was restarted by Jim Cornette.
o Young was freed from his contract with Roode. If Roode had won, Young would have been fired.
o **1/2

• Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) defeated Rick Steiner and Road Warrior Animal to retain the TNA World Tag Team Championship (6:39)
o Devon pinned Steiner after a 3D.
o Animal replaced Scott Steiner, who had been injured.
o *

• Sting defeated Christopher Daniels (6:33)
o Sting pinned Daniels after a Scorpion Death Drop.
o *3/4

• Abyss defeated Tomko in a No Disqualification match (13:54)
o Abyss pinned Tomko after a Black Hole Slam onto broken glass.
o **1/4

• Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles, Christian Cage and Chris Harris in a King of the Mountain match to win the first TNA World Heavyweight Championship (21:21)
o Harris qualified by pinning Styles after a Catatonic (3:45)
o Angle qualified by pinning Harris after an Olympic Slam (8:45)
o Cage qualified by pinning Angle after Angle passed out from Joe's Coquina Clutch (10:53)
o Angle hung up the belt to win (19:21)
o ****

TNA Sacrifice 2007 Review

• Chris Sabin defeated Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt in a Triple Threat match to retain the TNA X Division Championship (13:00)
o Sabin pinned Dutt with a roll-up.
o After the match, Dutt attacked Kevin Nash.
o ***1/2

• Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks) defeated Jeff Jarrett (11:21)
o Roode pinned Jarrett with a Payoff.
o **1/4

• Christopher Daniels defeated Rhino (9:56)
o Daniels pinned Rhino after hitting him with a baseball bat.
o **

• Basham and Damaja (w/Christy Hemme) defeated Kip James in a Handicap match (4:26)
o Basham pinned James after a diving headbutt.
o B.G. James was scheduled for the match, but was attacked by Basham and Damaja beforehand.
o ¼*

• Chris Harris defeated James Storm in a Texas Death match (17:14)
o Harris won the match when he pinned Storm after hitting him with a beer bottle and Storm could not answer the 10 count.
o ****1/4

• Jerry Lynn defeated Tiger Mask IV, Alex Shelley, and Senshi in a Four-Corners match (10:43)
o Lynn pinned Shelley with a roll-up.
o After the match, Shelley and Chris Sabin attacked Lynn until Bob Backlund made the save.
o **3/4

• Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) defeated Scott Steiner & Tomko and The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) in a Three-Way Dance to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championship/ TNA World Tag Team Championship (12:38)
o Ray pinned Tomko after a 3D
o After the match, Rick Steiner attacked Tomko.
o **

• Samoa Joe defeated A.J. Styles (12:48)
o Joe pinned Styles after a Millennium Suplex.
o ***1/2

• Kurt Angle defeated Sting and Christian Cage (c) in a Triple Threat match to "win" the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (10:45)
o Angle forced Sting to submit with the Ankle Lock while Sting was pinning Christian.
o The NWA had stripped Cage and Team 3D of their titles earlier in the day, so Angle is not considered a champion by the NWA.
o ***

TNA Lockdown 2007 Review

• Chris Sabin defeated Jay Lethal (w/Kevin Nash), Sonjay Dutt, Alex Shelley and Shark Boy in an Xscape match to retain the TNA X Division Championship (15:50)
o Shelley pinned Shark Boy after a Flying Leg Drop/Splash combo by Sabin and Shelley (5:43)
o Sabin pinned Dutt after a Cradle Shock (13:30)
o Lethal pinned Shelley after a Diving elbow drop (14:32)
o Sabin escaped the cage (15:50)
o ***3/4

• Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks and Eric Young) defeated Petey Williams in a Six Sides of Steel match (10:14)
o Roode pinned Williams with a Payoff.
o **

• Gail Kim defeated Jackie Moore in a Six Sides of Steel match (7:13)
o Kim pinned Moore after a Flying crossbody from the top of the cage.
o This was the first women's cage match in TNA history.
o Victory by escaping the cage was allowed for this match.
o **1/4

• Senshi defeated Austin Starr (w/Bob Backlund as Special Guest Referee) in a Six Sides of Steel match (9:57)
o Senshi pinned Starr with a roll-up after Backlund pushed Starr.
o **1/2

• James Storm defeated Chris Harris in a Six Sides of Steel Blindfold match (9:05)
o Storm pinned Harris after a Superkick.
o ?

• Christopher Daniels defeated Jerry Lynn in a Six Sides of Steel match (13:29)
o Daniels pinned Lynn after the Last Rites.
o **1/2

• Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) defeated The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) in an Electrified Six Sides of Steel match to win the NWA World Tag Team Championship (15:36)
o Devon pinned Homicide after the 3D.
o *1/2

• Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Rhino, Sting and Jeff Jarrett) defeated Team Cage (Christian Cage, A.J. Styles, Scott Steiner, Abyss, and Tomko) (w/James Mitchell) in a Lethal Lockdown match (28:04)
o Sting pinned Abyss after a Guitar Shot( With a Guitar Full of Thumbtacks ) from Jarrett to earn a NWA World Heavyweight Championship match at Sacrifice.
o Harley Race was the special guest gatekeeper.
o ***3/4

TNA Destination X 2007 Review

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (w/Johnny Rodz) in a Ghetto Brawl (14:49)
o Homicide pinned Devon after Alex Shelley hit Devon with a camera and then a Frog Splash through a table.
o ***1/4

• James Storm and Jacqueline Moore defeated Petey Williams and Gail Kim in a Double Bullrope match (7:52)
o Storm pinned Williams after a superkick.
o **1/2

• Senshi defeated Austin Starr in a Crossface Chickenwing match (11:09)
o Senshi forced Starr to submit with the Crossface Chickenwing.
o After the match, Starr attacked Bob Backlund (who had come to ringside during the match) and put him in the Crossface Chickenwing.
o ***

• The Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James) defeated The Heartbreakers (Antonio Thomas and Romeo Roselli) (w/Christy Hemme) (9:02)
o B.G. pinned Antonio after a Pumphandle Slam.
o ½*

• Chris Sabin defeated Jerry Lynn in a Two out of Three Falls match to retain the TNA X Division Championship (12:18)
o Lynn pinned Sabin after a Tornado DDT (5:51)
o Sabin pinned Lynn using the ropes for leverage (8:51)
o Sabin pinned Lynn with the Cradle Shock after the distraction of a masked man (12:18)
o After the match, the masked man (Christopher Daniels) hit the Angel's Wings on Sabin and hit Lynn with the X Division Title belt.
o ***1/4

• Rhino defeated A.J. Styles in a Elevation X match (9:05)
o Rhino knocked Styles off the structure to win.
o **1/4

• Kurt Angle defeated Scott Steiner (11:42)
o Angle pinned Steiner after a Sunset Flip off the top-rope.
o **1/2

• Sting defeated Abyss in a Last Rites match (9:40)
o Sting won the match after putting Abyss in the casket and shutting the lid.
o *3/4

• Christian Cage defeated Samoa Joe to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (17:43)
o Cage pinned Joe after reversing the Coquina Clutch into a roll-up with his foot on the ropes.
o ****

TNA Against All Odds 2007 Review

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) in a Little Italy Street Fight (9:26)
o Hernandez pinned Devon after a Border Toss.
o **1/4

• Senshi defeated Austin Starr (8:21)
o Senshi pinned Starr.
o After the match, Starr slapped Bob Backlund (who was watching the match from ringside) and Backlund put Starr in the Crossface Chicken Wing.
o **1/2

• Christy Hemme defeated "Big Fat Oily Guy" in a Tuxedo match (2:29)
o After the match, Kip James ran in and stripped off Hemme's tuxedo.
o -**

• Lance Hoyt (w/David Eckstein) defeated Dale Torborg (w/A.J. Pierzynski) in a Basebrawl (5:04)
o Hoyt pinned Torborg after Eckstein hit Torborg with a steel chair.
o ¼*

• A.J. Styles defeated Rhino in a Motor City Chain match (15:07)
o Styles pinned Rhino after Styles moved and Rhino hit a Gore through a table.
o **1/4

• Chris Sabin defeated Jerry Lynn to retain the TNA X Division Championship (13:33)
o Sabin pinned Lynn while using the ropes for leverage.
o **

• James Storm and Jacqueline Moore defeated Petey Williams and Gail Kim in a Mixed Tag Team match (8:49)
o Moore pinned Kim after Storm collided into Kim.
o After the match, Chris Harris returned and chased Storm and Moore from the ring.
o *3/4

• Sting defeated Abyss (w/James Mitchell) in a Prison Yard match (11:57)
o Sting won by putting Abyss in the cage, after Sting powerbombed Abyss through a table with a barbwire covered board on top.
o After the match, Sting attacked Mitchell.
o ***1/4

• Christian Cage defeated Kurt Angle to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (19:02)
o Cage pinned Angle after an Unprettier.
o During the match, Tomko and Scott Steiner interfered on Cage's behalf.
o Samoa Joe was at ringside as the unofficial Outside Enforcer.
o ***1/4

TNA Final Resolution 2007 Review

• Rhino defeated A.J. Styles in a Last Man Standing match (14:44)
o Styles failed to answer the ten-count on purpose after Rhino hit two Gores.
o After the match Rhino attack Styles.
o **3/4

• Chris Sabin defeated Christopher Daniels (c) and Jerry Lynn in a Triple Threat match to win the TNA X Division Championship (11:42)
o Sabin pinned Lynn with a roll-up while grabbing the tights.
o ***1/4

• Paparazzi Championship Series finals: Alex Shelley defeated Austin Starr (10:18)
o The judges were "Samolian Joe", "Big Fat Oily Guy" and Bob Backlund.
o Shelley pinned Starr with a roll-up, and Shelley was presented a bowling trophy.
o ***1/4

• James Storm (w/Gail Kim) defeated Petey Williams (6:41)
o Storm pinned Williams while grabbing the ropes during a roll-up.
o Jacqueline made her return to TNA and delivered a Death Sentence with Storm to Kim.
o **

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) by disqualification to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championship (10:40)
o Team 3D were disqualified after a drunk Brother Runt interfered, jumping off the top rope onto Homicide.
o *1/2

• Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe 3-2 in an Iron Man match (30:00)
o Joe forced Angle to submit to the Coquina Clutch (12:54)
o Angle forced Joe to submit to the Ankle Lock (16:03)
o Angle forced Joe to submit to the Ankle Lock (18:56)
o Joe pinned Angle after a Muscle Buster (22:19)
o Angle pinned Joe with a cradle pin (24:41) to win a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Against All Odds.
o ***1/2

• Christian Cage defeated Abyss (c) (w/James Mitchell) and Sting in a Three Way Elimination match to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (13:06)
o Sting pinned Abyss after the Scorpion Death Drop (5:26)
o Cage pinned Sting after a Frog Splash (13:06)
o Cage's enforcer, Tomko, was locked in a cage at ringside.
o **3/4

TNA Turning Point 2006 Review

• Paparazzi Championship Series - Elimination match: Senshi defeated Alex Shelley, Sonjay Dutt, Austin Starr and Jay Lethal (14:38)
o Dutt forced Shelley to submit with a camel clutch (7:52)
o Senshi pinned Lethal after a Warrior's Way (8:50)
o Starr pinned Dutt after a 450° splash (13:12)
o Senshi pinned Starr with a roll-up (14:38)
o As the winner of the match, Senshi received five points towards the Series. Starr received four points, Dutt three points, Lethal two points, and Shelley one point.
o ***3/4

• Eric Young defeated Ms. Brooks (w/Robert Roode) in a Bikini contest

• Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin (w/Jerry Lynn as Special Guest Referee) to retain the TNA X Division Championship (12:27)
o Daniels pinned Sabin after a Best Moonsault Ever.
o **1/2

• A.J. Styles defeated Rhino (7:31)
o Styles pinned Rhino with a roll-up after faking a knee injury.
o **1/4

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) defeated America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (w/Gail Kim) in a Flag match (10:42)
o LAX won the match by hanging the Mexican Flag above the ring, thus earning the right to have the Mexican National Anthem played in the arena.
o ***1/2

• Abyss (w/James Mitchell) defeated Sting and Christian Cage (w/Tomko) in a Triple Threat match to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (11:55)
o Abyss pinned Sting after a Black Hole Slam.
o **1/2

• Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle (19:17)
o Joe forced Angle to submit with a Coquina Clutch.
o ****

TNA Genesis 2006 Review

• The Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James) defeated Kazarian, Maverick Matt and Johnny Devine (3:39)
o Kip pinned Devine after a Cobra Clutch Slam.
o Kip used the Pedigree on Bentley during the match to continue their "war" with the WWE.
o ¼*

• The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) (w/Shane Douglas) defeated Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal (w/Jerry Lynn) (8:30)
o Stevens pinned Dutt after a Sitout Powerbomb / Missile dropkick combo.
o **1/2

• Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin to retain the TNA X Division Championship (13:29)
o Daniels pinned Sabin with a roll-up.
o ***

• Ron Killings and Lance Hoyt defeated The Paparazzi (Austin Starr and Alex Shelley) (w/Kevin Nash) (11:11)
o Hoyt pinned Shelley with a small package.
o **1/4

• Christian Cage defeated A.J. Styles (15:56)
o Cage pinned Styles after sitting down during a sunset flip attempt by Styles.
o ***1/2

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) defeated America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (w/Gail Kim) to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championship (9:28)
o Hernandez pinned Storm after Homicide hit Storm with a blowtorch can.
o After the match, Jim Cornette came out and stripped LAX of the Tag Team Titles due to their actions leading up to the PPV.
o **3/4

• Abyss (w/James Mitchell) defeated Sting by disqualification to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (15:30)
o Sting was disqualified after shoving referee Rudy Charles.
o Sting lost the title because of TNA's rules that a title can change hands on a disqualification.
o ***1/4

• Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe (13:42)
o Angle forced Joe to submit with an Ankle Lock.
o ****

TNA Bound for Glory 2006 Review

• Austin Starr won the "Kevin Nash Open Invitational X Division Gauntlet Battle Royal" (17:24)
Eliminated by
Austin Starr

Sonjay Dutt
Matt and Kazarian

Maverick Matt
Shark Boy and D-Ray

Jay Lethal

Matt and Kazarian

Zach Gowen



Shark Boy

Alex Shelley

D-Ray 3000

Johnny Devine

Elix Skipper
Mark "Slick" Johnson1

Short Sleeve Sampson

Norman Smiley
Mark "Slick" Johnson

Petey Williams

^ Johnson was not an official entrant.
o Starr pinned Lethal after a Starrbuster.
o Kevin Nash provided commentary for the match and presented a bowling trophy to Starr for winning the match.
o ***

• Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) defeated America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm), The James Gang (B.G. James and Kip James) and The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) in a Four Corners match (7:02)
o Devon pinned Douglas after a 3D.
o ?

• Samoa Joe defeated Brother Runt, Raven and Abyss (w/James Mitchell) (w/Jake Roberts as Special Guest Referee) in a Monster's Ball match (11:19)
o Joe pinned Raven after a Muscle Buster.
o **1/4

• Eric Young defeated Larry Zbyszko in a Loser Gets Fired match (3:35)
o Young pinned Zbyszko after hitting him with brass knuckles.

• Chris Sabin defeated Senshi to win the TNA X Division Championship (13:00)
o Sabin pinned Senshi with a small package.
o ***3/4

• Christian Cage defeated Rhino in an 8-Mile Street Fight (14:44)
o Cage pinned Rhino after beating Rhino with a chair while a ladder, a broken table, some chairs and a street sign were on top of Rhino.
o ***1/4

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) defeated A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels in a Six Sides of Steel match to win the NWA World Tag Team Championship (14:50)
o Homicide pinned Styles after a Da Gringo Killa.
o ****

• Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett (w/Kurt Angle as Special Outside Enforcer) in a Title vs. Career match to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (15:11)
o Sting forced Jarrett to submit with the Scorpion Death Lock.
o **3/4

TNA No Surrender 2006 Review

• Eric Young defeated A-1 (6:14)
o Young pinned A-1 after a Showstopper.
o *

• Jay Lethal defeated Petey Williams (7:24)
o Lethal pinned Williams with a roll-up when Williams tried to leave the ring.
o Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Chris Sabin had given Williams a Laxative before the match.
o *3/4

• Abyss (w/James Mitchell) defeated Raven and Brother Runt in a No DQ Triple Threat match (11:24)
o Abyss pinned Raven after a Black Hole Slam.
o **1/4

• The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) (w/Shane Douglas) won a Triple Chance Tag Team Battle Royal also involving: The James Gang (B.G. James and Kip James), America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (w/Gail Kim), The Paparazzi (Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine), The Diamonds in the Rough (David Young and Elix Skipper) (w/Simon Diamond), Maverick Matt and Kazarian, Ron Killings and Lance Hoyt, and Shark Boy and Norman Smiley (14:05)
o The match started out as a 16-man battle royal, when a wrestler got eliminated they would stay at ringside until their partner was eliminated. When the match got down to 2 people, their partners re-joined them and the match continued as a tag team match.
o Stevens pinned Storm with a roll-up to make The Naturals the #1 contenders to the NWA World Tag Team Championship.
o *1/2

• Senshi defeated Chris Sabin to retain the TNA X Division Championship (16:57)
o Senshi pinned Sabin after kicking an inflatable doll into Sabin.
o ***1/4

• Christian Cage defeated Rhino (16:26)
o Cage pinned Rhino after an Unprettier onto a steel chair.
o **1/2

• A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels defeated The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Konnan) in an Ultimate X match to win the NWA World Tag Team Championship (15:29)
o Daniels jumped from a post and grabbed one of the belts to win. This match was later named TNA's "Match of the Year".
o ****1/4

• Samoa Joe defeated Jeff Jarrett in a "Fan's Revenge" Lumberjack match (11:03)
o Joe pinned Jarrett after a Muscle Buster.
o The lumberjacks were 18 audience members equipped with leather straps.
o *3/4

• The show ended with Jim Cornette airing a video stating that Kurt Angle had signed with TNA.

ECW December to Dismember 2006 Review

• The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) defeated MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro) (w/Melina) (22:33)
o Jeff pinned Nitro after a Swanton Bomb onto him and Mercury.
o ***1/2

• Balls Mahoney defeated Matt Striker in a Striker's Rules match (7:12)
o Mahoney pinned Striker after a Balls Buster.
o This match was contested under "Striker's Rules", meaning: no eye gouging, hair pulling, top rope attacks or foul language.
o ½*

• Elijah Burke and Sylvester Terkay defeated The Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido Maritato and Tony Mamaluke) (w/Trinity) (6:41)
o Burke pinned Mamaluke after an Elijah Experience.
o ½*

• Daivari (w/The Great Khali) defeated Tommy Dreamer (7:22)
o Daivari pinned Dreamer with a schoolboy.
o After the match, Khali chokebombed Dreamer on the stage.
o ½*

• Kevin Thorn and Ariel defeated Mike Knox and Kelly Kelly in a Mixed Tag Team Match (7:43)
o Ariel pinned Kelly after a Legsweep.
o After the match, The Sandman attacked Thorn with a Singapore cane.
o -**

• Bobby Lashley defeated Big Show (c), Rob Van Dam, Hardcore Holly, CM Punk and Test in an Extreme Elimination Chamber match to win the ECW World Championship (24:42)
o Holly replaced Sabu, who had been removed earlier in the show.
o **

Elimination #
Elimination Move

CM Punk
Steel chair
by Rob Van Dam
Five-Star Frog splash

Hardcore Holly
by Test
Big Boot

Rob Van Dam
by Test
Diving elbow drop with a steel chair from Big Show's chamber

by Bobby Lashley

Big Show
Barbed wire baseball bat
by Bobby Lashley

WINNER Bobby Lashley

ECW One Night Stand 2006 Review

Tazz vs. Lawler - DUD
Match was 30 seconds. Not a lot to say. Great to see Lawler as a heel, though.

Orton vs. Angle - ***
Hot crowd, as there was in literally every match. Can't believe they were so into Angle. Anyway, Orton is great at getting heat here. He get's the crowd so pissed that they are pretty much begging for his blood. Every time Kurt goes for one of his patented moves (German, Angle Slam, Ankle Lock) Orton is able to reverse it, thus pissing the crowd off. The anticipation keeps building until Kurt finally gets his offense in. Needless to say the crowd marked out. Building up moves as opposed to just randomly throwing them around? There ya go Kurt.

F.B.I. vs. Tajiri/Super Crazy - **3/4
Standard ECW tag here. Not a lot of storytelling but it was a fun spotfest so it served it purpose. Big Show then comes out and stomps all four guys into the ground. Watch the crowd go from hesitant of Show to loving him after the Cobra Clutch Backbreaker.

Rey vs. Sabu - ***
I liked this a lot less than I used to. Match was basically spot-spot-spot but again it was fun as Hell. Rey even busted out some offense I haven't seen from him in years here. I know a lot of people aren't fans of the finish but I thought it really needed to go down that way. Sabu can't win the title, but you don't want him to lose the match, especially when you have Cena lined up for him at the next PPV. Murder-Death-Kill DDT leads to the no-finish.

Foley/Edge/Lita vs. Funk/Dreamer/Beulah - ****
Pretty insane brawl. If you haven't read Foley's 3rd autobiography, much of it centers around the forming of this match. Foley said he wanted it to deliver because he didn't want to come back just for some random match. I'll say it was a success. I loved when Foley used Socko to get extra heat here btw. Also, pretty crazy stuff with the barb wire by WWE's standards. Almost positive Foley is insane for that fire-into-the-barb-wire spot.

Balls vs. Tanaka - *1/2
Just here for the break between the main events so the crowd won't be dead. Of course they were pretty rabid for this match anyway. Pretty much the footnotes to their generic matches. Still fun for the time given.

RVD vs. Cena - ***1/2
Pretty sure the crowd doesn't like Cena. May be the most in favor of any wrestler I've ever seen in for RVD. I loved Cena's entrance here. May sound weird but if I could be any wrestler on any night I would have loved to have been Cena at Hammerstein. Just to have the crowd that passionate one way or the other would be incredible. Crowd booed every time Cena did anything. Loved the shirt tossing too. Really put over that Cena had never been in any environment like this before. Great stuff as Cena is distracted by the crowd at first, but then he gets comfortable with them and starts to play off them. When he's dominating, the crowd of course boos but Cena shrugs it off and starts taunting them with some shadow boxing as RVD gets to his feet. Crowd is less than thrilled that they aren't getting under his skin. Finish was kinda dumb but it kept Cena strong. Great moment for me as I had been a RVD fan for years and it was nice to see him get to the top.

ECW One Night Stand 2005 Review

• Lance Storm (w/Dawn Marie) defeated Chris Jericho (7:22)
o Storm pinned Jericho after Justin Credible and Jason came to ringside and Credible hit Jericho with a Singapore cane.
o ***1/4

• A tribute video introduced by Gary "Pitbull #1" Wolfe aired honoring ECW alumni who had died since the promotion folded in 2001:
o Rocco Rock, Terry Gordy, Mike "Crash Holly" Lockwood, The Original Sheik, Mike Lozansky, Anthony "Pitbull #2" Durante, Big Dick Dudley, Chris Candido

• Super Crazy defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri (w/The Sinister Minister and Mikey Whipwreck) and Little Guido (w/Tracy Smothers, Tony Mamaluke, Big Guido and J.T. Smith) in a Three-Way Dance (6:12)
o Tajiri pinned Guido after a Whippersnapper from Whipwreck (4:08)
o Crazy pinned Tajiri after a moonsault (6:12)
o **1/2

• Rey Misterio, Jr. defeated Psicosis (6:22)
o Misterio pinned Psicosis with a West Coast Pop.
o **3/4

• Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso) defeated Rhyno (6:30)
o Sabu pinned Rhyno after an Arabian Skull Crusher through a table after Rob Van Dam hit Rhyno with a Van Daminator.
o **1/4

• Chris Benoit defeated Eddie Guerrero (10:37)
o Benoit forced Guerrero to submit with the Crippler Crossface.
o **3/4

• Mike Awesome defeated Masato Tanaka (9:52)
o Awesome pinned Tanaka after a Suicide Dive to the outside.
o After the match Awesome Powerbombed referee Jim Mollinneux.
o ***3/4

• The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman (10:52)
o Bubba and D-Von pinned Dreamer after a Powerbomb through a flaming table.
o Spike Dudley, The bWo (Hollywood Nova, Da Blue Guy, and Big Stevie Cool), Kid Kash, The Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks (Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney), Lance Storm, Justin Credible, Francine, and Beulah McGillicutty all interfered before the match officially started. Credible, Storm, McGillicutty, Francine and Spike Dudley were the only ones that actually interfered during the match.
o ***1/4

o Following the main event, Stone Cold Steve Austin challenged "invading" members of the RAW and SmackDown! rosters to brawl with the ECW alumni. ECW ultimately won the brawl, which ended with Eric Bischoff receiving a Stone Cold Stunner from Steve Austin.

ECW Guilty as Charged 2001 Review

• Cyrus and Jerry Lynn defeated Christian York and Joey Matthews (2:41)
o Cyrus pinned Matthews after Lynn hit Matthews with a Cradle Piledriver.

• Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill defeated Hot Commodity (Julio Dinero and EZ Money) to retain the ECW Tag Team Championship (10:06)
o Doring pinned Dinero.
o ***

• Nova defeated Chris Hamrick(5:30)
o Nova pinned Hamrick after a Kryptonite Krunch.
o ¾*

• Tommy Dreamer defeated C.W. Anderson in a "I Quit" match (14:11)
o Anderson quit after Dreamer applied a Crossface with table cords.
o ***1/2

• The Unholy Alliance (Yoshihiro Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck) defeated Kid Kash and Super Crazy and The F.B.I. (Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke) (w/Sal E. Graziano) in a Three-Way Dance (13:31)
o Mamaluke pinned Kash after a Big Splash from Graziano.
o Whipwreck and Tajiri pinned Guido with a Double Tiger Suplex to become #1 contenders to the ECW Tag Team Championship (13:31)
o ***

• Simon Diamond and Swinger (w/Dawn Marie, The Blue Boy, and Jasmin St. Claire) fought Balls Mahoney and Chilly Willy to a no-contest (0:48)
o The match ended after Rhino came out and attacked all four wrestlers.

• The Sandman defeated Steve Corino (c) and Justin Credible (w/Francine) in a Three-Way Tables, Ladders, Chairs and Canes match to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (13:20)
o Sandman grabbed the title to win the match.
o *1/2

• Rhino defeated The Sandman to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (1:00)
o Rhino pinned Sandman after a Piledriver onto a shard of a broken table.
o ¼*

• Rob Van Dam defeated Jerry Lynn (w/Cyrus) (19:30)
o Van Dam pinned Lynn after a Van Terminator with Joel Gertner holding the steel chair.
o **3/4

ECW November to Remember 2000 Review

• Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger defeated Christian York and Joey Matthews(5:20)
o Swinger pinned York after C.W. Anderson interfered and hit York with a Anderson Spinebuster.
o **

• Kid Kash defeated C.W. Anderson(10:45)
o Kash pinned Anderson after a Tornado DDT.
o **1/4

• Amish Roadkill, Danny Doring, and Spike Dudley defeated Hot Commodity (Chris Hamrick, Julio Dinero, and E.Z. Money)(8:23)
o Dudley pinned Hamrick after a Acid Drop.
o *3/4

• Nova defeated Chris Chetti in a Loser Leaves Town match(9:43)
o Nova pinned Chetti after a Kryptonite Krunch from the top rope.
o **1/4

• Balls Mahoney and Chilly Willy defeated Da Baldies (Angel and Tony DeVito) in a Flaming Tables match(12:11)
o Mahoney slammed DeVito through a table to win the match.
o *1/2

• Rhino defeated New Jack to retain the ECW World Television Championship(7:55)
o Rhino pinned Jack after a Gore through a table.
o ¼*

• The F.B.I. (Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke) (w/Sal E. Graziano) defeated The Unholy Alliance (Yoshihiro Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck) to retain the ECW Tag Team Championship(15:46)
o Guido pinned Tajiri after a Double Bulldog.
o During the match, Whipwreck was injured and replaced by Super Crazy.
o **3/4

• Steve Corino (w/Jack Victory and Dawn Marie) defeated Justin Credible (w/Francine), Jerry Lynn (c) and The Sandman in a Double Jeopardy match to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(24:07)
o Credible pinned Lynn after a That's Incredible! and Corino pinned Sandman after a Old School Expulsion(16:21)
o Corino pinned Credible after a Super Kick(24:07)
o The rules of this match was that two matches were happening at the same time, Corino vs. Sandman and Credible vs. Lynn. The winners would continue the match against each other while the losers remained at ringside as lumberjacks.
o **1/4

ECW Anarchy Rulz 2000 Review

• Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill defeated Christian York and Joey Matthews(7:14)
o Doring pinned York.
o **1/2

• Kid Kash defeated EZ Money (w/Julio Dinero and Chris Hamrick)(9:39)
o Kash pinned Money with a Hurricanrana.
o ***

• Joel Gertner defeated Cyrus(2:34)
o Gertner pinned Cyrus with a Schoolboy.

• Da Baldies (Angel and Tony DeVito) defeated Balls Mahoney and Chilly Willy(7:39)
o Angel and DeVito pinned Mahoney and Willy simultaneously after hitting them with steel chairs.
o ¾*

• Steve Corino (w/Jack Victory) defeated C.W. Anderson(12:47)
o Corino pinned Anderson after a Old School Expulsion to become #1 contender to the ECW World Heavyweight Championship.
o **1/4

• The F.B.I. (Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke) (w/Sal E. Graziano) defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck (w/The Sinister Minister) to retain the ECW Tag Team Championship(8:38)
o Guido pinned Whipwreck.
o ***

• Rhino defeated Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso) to retain the ECW World Television Championship(12:41)
o Rhino pinned Van Dam after a Piledriver onto a steel chair.
o **1/4

• Jerry Lynn defeated Justin Credible to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(19:36)
o Lynn pinned Credible after a That's Incredible!.
o ***1/4

ECW Heatwave 2000 Review

• Sal E. Graziano (w/Tony Mamaluke) defeated Balls Mahoney(1:39)
o Graziano pinned Mahoney after a Belly to Belly Suplex.
o 1/4*

• Kid Kash, Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill defeated Simon Diamond, C.W. Anderson and Johnny Swinger(11:03)
o Kash pinned Swinger after a Money Maker.
o ***1/4

• Jerry Lynn defeated Steve Corino (w/Jack Victory)(15:25)
o Lynn pinned Corino after a Cradle Piledriver.
o **1/2

• Chris Chetti and Super Nova defeated Da Baldies (Tony DeVito and Angel)(4:39)
o Nova pinned Angel after a Tidal Wave.
o *1/2

• Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Mikey Whipwreck, Little Guido and Psicosis in a Four-Way Dance(9:17)
o Guido pinned Whipwreck with a Bridging German Suplex(1:36)
o Tajiri pinned Psicosis after a Dragon Suplex(4:28)
o Tajiri pinned Guido after a Brainbuster onto a steel chair(9:17)
o ***1/2

• Rhino defeated The Sandman to retain the ECW World Television Championship(8:39)
o Rhino pinned Sandman after a Piledriver onto a steel guardrail.
o *1/2

• Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso) defeated Scotty Anton(19:02)
o Van Dam pinned Anton after a Van Terminator.
o **1/2

• Justin Credible (w/Francine) defeated Tommy Dreamer (w/Jazz and George) in a Stairway to Hell match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(14:58)
o Credible pinned Dreamer after a That's Incredible! onto barbed wire.
o *3/4

ECW Hardcore Heaven 2000 Review

• Masato Tanaka defeated Balls Mahoney (9:14)
o Tanaka pinned Mahoney after a chair shot from the top rope.
o **3/4

• Little Guido (w/Sal E. Graziano) defeated Mikey Whipwreck (w/The Sinister Minister) and Simond Diamond in a Three-Way Dance(7:08)
o Whipwreck pinned Diamond after a Whippersnapper(5:34)
o Guido pinned Whipwreck (7:08)
o **1/4

• Kid Kash defeated C.W. Anderson (w/Lou E. Dangerously)(6:00)
o Kash pinned Anderson with a Hurricanrana.
o **

• Super Nova and Chris Chetti defeated Da Baldies (Angel and Tony DeVito), and Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill in a Three-Way Dance(6:35)
o Angel pinned Doring after Vic Grimes interfered and hit Doring with a guitar(4:16)
o Nova and Chetti pinned DeVito after a Tidal Wave (6:35)
o **1/2

• New Jack defeated Angel (w/Vic Grimes and Tony DeVito)(6:50)
o New Jack pinned Angel after a chair shot from the top rope.

• Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Steve Corino (10:25)
o Tajiri pinned Corino.
o ***1/4

• Rhino defeated The Sandman to retain the ECW World Television Championship (6:23)
o Rhino pinned Sandman after a Gore through a table.
o ½*

• Jerry Lynn defeated Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso) (19:50)
o Lynn pinned Van Dam after a Cradle Piledriver onto a steel chair.
o ****1/4

• Justin Credible (w/Francine) defeated Lance Storm (w/Dawn Marie) to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (12:29)
o Credible pinned Storm after a That's Incredible!.
o This was originally scheduled to be a three-way dance with Tommy Dreamer, but Dreamer had to be pulled out of the match due to injuries.
o After the match, Dreamer came ringside and attacked both Credible and Francine.
o **1/2

ECW Living Dangerously 2000 Review

• Dusty Rhodes defeated Steve Corino (w/Jack Victory) in a Bull Rope match(10:13)
o Rhodes pinned Corino after a Bionic Elbow.
o *

• C.W. Anderson and Bill Whiles (w/Lou E. Dangerously) defeated Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill (w/Elektra)(7:23)
o Anderson pinned Doring after a Anderson Spinebuster after Elektra turned on Doring and Roadkill.
o *3/4

• Mike Awesome defeated Kid Kash to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(4:44)
o Awesome pinned Kash after a Awesome Bomb from the tope rope through a table.
o ¾*

• Super Nova and Chris Chetti defeated Jado and Gedo(7:33)
o Gedo was pinned after a Tidal Wave from Nova and Chetti.
o *3/4

• Rhino defeated The Sandman by forfeit (0:00)
o Sandman was at the hospital after Rhino Gored Sandman's wife earlier in the evening.
o This was a semi-final match in a tournament to crown a new TV Champion.
o No Rating

• Super Crazy defeated Little Guido (w/Sal E. Graziano)(7:47)
o Crazy pinned Guido after a Brainbuster.
o This was a semi-final match in a tournament to crown a new TV Champion.
o ***

• Balls Mahoney defeated Kintaro Kanemura(1:58)
o Mahoney pinned Kanemura after a Nutcracker Suite on a steel chair.
o ½*

• New Jack fought Vic Grimes to a no contest
o The match was ended after both men fell off a scaffold and were legitimately knocked out.
o No Rating

• The Impact Players (Lance Storm and Justin Credible) (w/Jason Knight and Dawn Marie) defeated Raven and Mike Awesome (c) (w/Francine), and Tommy Dreamer and Masato Tanaka in a Three-Way Dance to win the ECW Tag Team Championship(9:06)
o Tanaka pinned Awesome after a Roaring Elbow Smash(4:32)
o Storm pinned Dreamer after a Spike Piledriver(9:06)
o After the match, Cyrus the Virus left the announce booth and entered the ring to congratulate the new champions.
o **1/4

• Super Crazy defeated Rhino to win the vacant ECW World Television Championship(17:56)
o Crazy pinned Rhino after a Moonsault.
o This was the finals of a tournament to crown a new TV Champion.
o ***

ECW Guilty as Charged 2000 Review

• C.W. Anderson (w/Lou E. Dangerously) defeated Mikey Whipwreck (4:41)
o Anderson pinned Whipwreck after a Anderson Spinebuster.
o *1/4

• Danny Doring, Amish Roadkill and Simon Diamond defeated Nova, Kid Kash and Jazz (9:58)
o Roadkill pinned Chris Chetti after an Amish Splash.
o Chris Chetti came out to help Nova after Jazz, Diamond, and Kid Kash brawled to the back.
o **1/4

• Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy defeated Little Guido and Jerry Lynn (12:37)
o Tajiri pinned Lynn after a Brainbuster.
o ***1/4

• Angel defeated New Jack (8:48)
o Angel pinned New Jack after hitting him with a steel shovel.
o 1/4*

• Rob Van Dam defeated Sabu to retain the ECW World Television Championship (14:40)
o Van Dam pinned Sabu after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
o Bill Alfonso was at ringside since he was the manager of both men.
o ***

• The Impact Players (Lance Storm and Justin Credible) (w/Dawn Marie) defeated Tommy Dreamer and Raven (w/Francine) to win the ECW Tag Team Championship (10:38)
o Credible pinned Raven after a That's Incredible!.
o **

• Mike Awesome defeated Spike Dudley to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (14:22)
o Awesome pinned Dudley after a Awesome Bomb from the top rope through a table.
o **1/4

ECW Anarchy Rulz 99 Review and 3 Awesome-Tanaka matches Review

• Lance Storm defeated Jerry Lynn (16:38)
o Storm pinned Lynn with a ¾ Nelson rollup.
o ****1/4

• Jazz defeated The Prodigy (0:58)
o Prodigy was disqualified.

• Nova and Chris Chetti fought Simon Diamond and Tony DeVito to a no-contest (3:52)
o 3/4*

• Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Super Crazy and Little Guido in a Three-Way Dance (14:38)
o Crazy pinned Guido after the Moonsault. (9:18)
o Tajiri pinned Crazy after the Brainbuster. (14:38)
o ***1/2

• Justin Credible defeated Sabu (14:06)
o Credible pinned Sabu after the That’s Incredible.
o **1/4

• Mike Awesome defeated Masato Tanaka and Taz (c) in a Three-Way Dance to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(13:48)
o Awesome and Tanaka pinned Taz after The Roaring Elbow from Tanaka and the Splash. (2:01)
o Awesome pinned Tanaka after the Awesome Bomb from the top rope through a table. (13:48)
o ****1/4

• Tommy Dreamer and Raven defeated Steve Corino and Rhino to retain the ECW Tag Team Championship (3:24)
o Dreamer pinned Corino and Raven pinned Rhino after stereo DDT’s.
o 3/4*

• Rob Van Dam defeated Balls Mahoney to retain the ECW World Television Championship (19:39)
o Van Dam pinned Mahoney.
o Van Dam's original opponent Johnny Smith was beaten up by Mahoney, Axl Rotten, and Spike Dudley prior to the match.
o **3/4


• Mike Awesome defeated Masato Tanaka to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (12:26)
o Awesome pinned Tanaka after a Powerbomb.
o This was from November to Remember 1999
o ****1/4

• Masato Tanaka defeated Mike Awesome to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship
o Tanaka pinned Awesome after the Roaring Elbow.
o This happened on the 12-24 edition of ECW on TNN. It was an impromptu match.
o ***1/2

• Mike Awesome defeated Masato Tanaka to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (11:49)
o Awesome pinned Tanaka after an Awesome Bomb from the top rope.
o This was on the Guilty as Charged pre-show. It took place in White Plains, New York on ECW on TNN on 12-31-99.
o ****1/4

ECW Heatwave 99 Review

• Chris Chetti and Nova defeated Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill (w/Miss Congeniality)(7:03)
o Roadkill was pinned after a Tidal Wave.
o **1/2

• Jazz defeated Jason Knight(6:33)
o Jazz pinned Knight after the Jazz Dinger.
o ¾*

• Super Crazy defeated Little Guido (w/Sal E. Graziano)(12:31)
o Crazy pinned Guido after a Cross Arm Powerbomb.
o **1/2

• Balls Mahoney and Spike Dudley defeated The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray and D-Von) (w/Joel Gertner and Sign Guy Dudley) by pinfall to win the ECW Tag Team Championship(15:41)
o Mahoney pinned Buh Buh after a rollup and Spike pinned D-Von after a Small Package.
o After the match, the Dudleyz put Spike through a flaming table until New Jack made the save.
o **3/4

• During an interview with Tommy Dreamer and Francine, Steve Corino came out and ended up being pinned by Francine.

• Taz defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(10:06)
o Taz beat Tajiri with the Tazmission wrapped in barbed wire.
o ***

• Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn (w/Bill Alfonso) defeated The Impact Players (Lance Storm and Justin Credible) (w/Dawn Marie)(21:07)
o Lynn pinned Storm after the Cradle Piledriver.
o Late in the match, Sabu ran down to the ring and attacked Credible.
o ***3/4

ECW Living Dangerously 99 Review

• Super Crazy defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri(9:55)
o Super Crazy pinned Tajiri after reversing the Sunset Flip.
o ***1/2

• Balls Mahoney defeated Steve Corino(3:56)
o Mahoney pinned Corino after hitting him with a steel chair.
o 1/2*

• Little Guido (w/Sal E. Graziano) defeated Antifaz del Norte(5:37)
o Guido pinned Norte.
o *1/2

• Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso) defeated Jerry Lynn to retain the ECW World Television Championship(21:18)
o Van Dam pinned Lynn after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
o ****1/4

• New Jack defeated Mustafa(9:27)
o Jack pinned Mustafa.
o -**

• Spike Dudley and Nova defeated The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray and D-Von Dudley)(11:00)
o Spike pinned Buh Buh after an Acid Drop.
o During the match, Nova was injured and replaced by Sid Vicious.
o *1/4

• Tommy Dreamer and Shane Douglas (w/Francine) defeated The Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) (w/Jason Knight and Dawn Marie) (18:58)
o Douglas pinned Credible after a Pittsburgh Plunge.
o After the match, both teams kept brawling, until Cyrus the Virus came ringside and crotched Francine, giving Storm and Credible the advantage.
o **1/4

• ECW World Heavyweight Champion Taz defeated Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso) to win the ECW FTW Heavyweight Championship(18:28)
o Taz won by knockout when Sabu passed out from a Tazmission.
o This match unified the two titles.
o **3/4

ECW Heatwave 98 Review

This is the 1st review for ECW. I dont have tons of their PPV's but I rewatched them all recently and here is my opinion of this show.

• Justin Credible defeated Jerry Lynn(14:36)
o Credible pinned Lynn after a top rope That’s Incredible.
o ***1/2

• Chris Candido defeated Lance Storm(11:00)
o Candido pinned Storm after The Blonde Bombshell.
o ***

• Masato Tanaka defeated Mike Awesome(11:49)
o Tanaka pinned Awesome after a Tornado DDT on two chairs..
o ***3/4

• Sabu and Rob Van Dam defeated Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki to retain the ECW Tag Team Championship(20:51)
o Sabu pinned Shinzaki after a Double Legdrop through a table.
o ****

• Taz defeated Bam Bam Bigelow in a Falls Count Anywhere match to retain the ECW FTW Heavyweight Championship(13:21)
o Taz forced Bigelow to submit with the Tazmission .
o **1/2

• Tommy Dreamer, Spike Dudley and The Sandman defeated The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray, D-Von and Big Dick) in a Street Fight(14:26)
o Dreamer pinned Buh Buh after a DDT onto a ladder.
o During the match, referee Jim Molineaux assisted Spike, Tommy and Sandman in a four-way dropkick wit the Dudleys and Gertner hanging upside down in the corners with chairs in front of their faces. Molineaux's feet hit Gertner.
o **1/2

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Interesting debut for Project 161 (Age of the Fall)

Other Reviews other than WWE

I'm gonna start posting some TNA, ROH, ECW (old) and WCW PPV reviews sometime in the future. I have them done but it's just posting them that's left. I'm probably not gonna say something about every match (like I do now), but I'll still give star ratings and such.

Prison Break Season 3 Premiere

When the 2nd season started, I have to admit, I wasn't looking forward to it. I thought there was no way they could pull off a season that even remotely matched the 1st one. Low and behold they put together some great TV. This year, I got those same feelings again as season 3 rolled around. I mean, no Kellerman? Needless to say, I loved the 1st episode. It just got the story rolling for what should be a great season. I'm still waiting for it to turn into Lost and start getting gradually worse, but that's the pessimist in me I suppose.

I DVR'ed K-Ville after PB. I don't know when I'm gonna check it out because it just doesn't feel like a great show. I don't know.

It's Always Sunny = It's Always least the 2nd episode was...

Solid start for It's Always Sunny in Philly this past Thursday. I wasn't loving the 1st episode (probably the worst one I've seent them do, which is still better than most garbage floating around now) but the 2nd was classic. Danny DeVito should be on acid 24/7. The guy from the Miller High Life commercials was great, too.

The 2-0 Houston Texans

Wow. I never thought I would ever say that. Is that sad? It's really wierd watching this team do well. I'm used to using them as a punchline and then crying when no one's around. But low and behold, The Texans are 2-0. It's strange to be watching the games and to be thinking, "We could win this game." It's also good to be cheering for once. I'm usually laughing at Carr running around like an idiot and then taking an ass kicking from a lineman. It is REALLY wierd to see the shmucks on ESPN actually talking positive about the Texans instead of talking about how Reggie Bush and Vince Young were gonna haunt the Texans forever. OK guys, we get it. Management screwed up for the first year. Let's not put both guys in the HOF yet. Let's give a guy who was thought to go number 2 a bit of a chance.

Man, if only Andre Johnson was playing this Week against the Colts, I would be drooling over that one. I mean a chance to be 3-0 and in sole position of 1st place? Wow. Just wow. Oh well. I'm a Texans fan, I think negative...I don't know...all the time? I just have to say if Schaub can find a way to win the game against the defending SuperBowl champs with Kevin Walter as his #1 receiver, I'll put him in the Texans HOF forever.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

2002 Match of the Year

· 1. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit defeated Rey Mysterio and Edge to win the first WWE Tag Team Championship(22:03)
o Angle forced Edge to submit with the Ankle Lock.
o This was the finals of a tournament to crown the first WWE Tag Team Champions after the World Tag Team Championship became exclusive to RAW.
o ****3/4

· 2. Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Edge in a number one contender fatal four-way match. (23:15)
o Benoit made Guerrero submit with the Crippler Crossface. (5:29)
o Benoit was pinned by Edge with the Spear. (7:12)
o Angle pinned Edge after an Angle Slam from the top rope. (23:15)
o ****1/2

· 3. Chris Benoit defeated Kurt Angle (13:55)
o Benoit pinned Angle with his feet on the ropes.
o ****1/2

Honorable Mention:

· Rey Mysterio and Edge defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit to win the first WWE Tag Team Championship in a Two out of Three Falls match. (24:16)
o Rey and Edge won the first fall by pin, lost the second by submission, tied on the next, and won on the 619 and spear.
o ****1/2

· The Rock defeated Kurt Angle and The Undertaker (c) in a Triple threat match to win the
WWE Undisputed Championship (19:35)
o Rock pinned Angle after a Rock Bottom.
o ****1/4

· Edge defeated Eddie Guerrero in a “No Disqualification” match
o Edge pinned Eddie with the Edgecution off the Ladder.
o ****1/4

· Edge defeated Kurt Angle in a Hair vs. Hair match (15:30)
o Edge pinned Angle with a roll-up.
o ****1/4

· Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H in a Unsanctioned Street Fight (27:19)
o Michaels pinned Triple H after reversing Triple H's Pedigree attempt into a cradle.
o After the match, Triple H struck Shawn Michaels with his sledgehammer twice, forcing Michaels to be carried away on a stretcher.
o ****1/4

· Kurt Angle defeated Edge (13:25)
o Angle pinned Edge after an Angle Slam.
o ****1/4

· Rob Van Dam defeated Eddie Guerrero to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship
o RVD climbed the ladder to win.
o ****1/4

· Rey Mysterio defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit
o Rey pinned Benoit after a Hurricanrana.
o ****

· Chris Jericho defeated The Rock to retain the WWF Undisputed Championship (18:48)
o Jericho pinned The Rock after a low blow and a roll-up.
o ****

· Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo) defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship
o Eddie pinned Benoit after a Belt shot.
o ****

Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the WWE Championship(27:18)
Lesnar pinned Undertaker after an F-5.

• Shawn Michaels defeated Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Chris Jericho and Triple H (c) in the first Elimination Chamber match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (39:20)