Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Yao out for year


So this is why people drink...

I have yet to talk about the Rockets on this blog. I've wanted to but I usually forget. I have followed nearly all of their games this year and this seems like a cruel joke. It's like it set up perfectly. They win 12 IN A ROW, and then their best player randomly injured himself and is gone. I didn't even know he was hurt! In the last game, sure he sucked, but I just chalked it up to one of those games, ya know? I allowed my pessimistic self to start believing in the team I thought was dead. I thought, "Hey, the Giants won the Superbowl out of no where, why can't the Rockets?" Little did I know that once those words ran through my mind, Yao's leg was destined to snap.

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