Monday, February 18, 2008

Wrestlemania Card Prediction

World Title
Edge (C) vs. Undertaker
This one is set in stone. The rest is where it gets tricky. I've been doing well in my predictions as of late, so I'll try this card on for size.

WWE Title
Orton (C) vs. HHH vs. Cena
I get the feeling Cena will be added sometime soon. I'd be suprised to see a Mania main event without him in it.

Money in the Bank
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjiman vs. Umaga vs. Batista
Mostly just threw some guys who had nothing better to do in here. I know Batista sticks out (Umaga too) but I needed a Smackdown guy and Batista is left out in the cold with the current rivalries. Unless he faces Big Show with Maryweather as Special Ref/Enforcer, this is all I could find Big Dave.

US Title
MVP (C) vs. Matt Hardy
A lot of these write themselves. Here is one of them. MVP finally loses the US strap.

Bullrope Match
JBL vs. Jericho
These guys are still feuding, so they'll have a blowoff match here. It'll probably be a gimmick, so there you go.

Career Threatening Match
HBK vs. Flair
Flair's last match will hopefully be a good one.

Finlay vs. Vince
Not sure if it's for custody Hornswoggle (can't believe I typed that, damn you Vince) but this is what the feud is leading to I'm sure.

Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather (Boxing Match)
It can't be a wrestling match and Big Show has been training as a boxer. That being said, Mayweather will knock kim out in a minute.

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