Tuesday, February 12, 2008

ROH The Best of the Briscoes Review

One Year Anniversary (2/8/03)
Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Briscoe --- ****

The Epic Encounter (4/12/03)
The Briscoes vs. Styles/Amazing Red (ROH Tag Team Titles) --- ***1/2

Beating the Odds (9/6/03)
Mark Briscoe vs. BJ Whitmer --- ***

Beating the Odds (9/6/03)
Jay Briscoe vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Chris Sabin --- ***1/2

Tradition Continues (10/16/03)
Jay Briscoe vs. Samoa Joe (ROH World Title) --- ****

Main Event Spectacles (11/1/03)
The Briscoes vs. Izzy/Dixie (ROH Tag Team Titles) --- **3/4

The Conclusion (11/28/03)
The Briscoes vs. Joe/Styles (ROH Tag Team Titles) --- ****

War of the Wire (11/29/03)
The Briscoes vs. Daniels/Maff (ROH Tag Team Titles) --- ***1/4

ROH Reborn Stage 1 (4/23/04)
The Briscoes vs. The Havana Pitbulls --- ***1/4

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