Saturday, February 16, 2008

No Way Out Predictons

ECW Title
Chavo Guerrero (c) vs CM Punk
This'll probably open the show. I remember when Chavo was just a lameduck feud until Shelton Benjamen was ready for Punk. The question is where does Punk go from here? Does he win it back and with another generic heel (or hopefully Shelton) or does he lose and then go into the Money in the Bank match at Mania, followed by getting drafted to another brand? If he does lose and then gets drafted, who challenges Chavo? I'm going back and forth on this one, but I'm gonna go with Chavo cheatin to win. I really have no confidence in that pick but whatever.
Winner: Chavo

Career Threatening Match
Ric Flair vs. Mr. Kennedy
No way Flair loses at a random show like this.
Winner: Flair

World Heavyweight Title
Edge (c) vs. Mysterio
Rey's injured, bet the house on Edge.
Winner: Edge

Smackdown Elimination Chamber
Undertaker vs. Batista vs. Big Daddy V vs. Khali vs. MVP vs. Finlay
Talk about shit. There's really only two logical choices here. Batista and Taker. I've seen plenty of people take Batista and that really suprises me. Batista and Edge had a feud that went on all summer last year. There's no way WWE will have them face off at Mania. Taker vs. Edge has been set in stone for over a year. I don't see them changing that.
Winner: Undertaker

Raw Elimination Chamber
Hardy vs. HHH vs. HBK vs. Umaga vs. JBL vs. Y2J
A lot of initials in this match. Although the depth of this Chamber is greater, there are still only two logical choices here, HHH and Hardy. I see them putting Hardy in the MITB ladder match at Mania and having him win it. Thus the winner will unfortunatley be...
Winner: HHH

WWE Title
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena
When this match was signed, I originally picked Cena so WWE can go with the money match against HHH. However, I feel that now they want Randy Orton to be apart of Mania somehow, so we'll get Orton retaining via screwjob to set up HHH vs. Cena vs. Orton for the title.
Winner: Randy Orton

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