Saturday, December 27, 2008

Armageddon 2008 Review

Kozlov vs. Matt Hardy - **1/4
Suprisingly good. Hardy is pretty great with big monster type guys. He had a really good match with Henry at No Mercy and now he gives Kozlov a match to be proud of.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio - ***1/2
Awesome. Much better than I was expecting. I probably could go ***3/4 but I think I'll stick with this. I'm glad these guys got a PPV match as opposed to a Raw match. Too bad the crowd was pretty much dead throughout. Sick G2S btw. My favorite match of the night but id you look in my avy you'll see why. Punk's best PPV match excluding MITB and his 2nd best match in the WWE overall behind his ECW title win.

I know this is just me being paranoid but I really hope they're not building to HBK/JBL at Mania.

Finlay vs. Henry - *1/2
Not really a fan of the plunder matches. Nothing really stood out in this match for me so I'll just leave it at that.

Orton vs. Batista - **3/4
A tad slow for my liking but that's Orton's character now. I loved the set up of the Batista Bomb that won the match. A little dissapointing for me but I think they'll have a rematch down the line that'll be better.

Santa's Little Helper match - *
Bleh. Just on the show for filler. Maryse has some great heel qualities. Maybe one of the best natural heel divas I've ever seen. I get more and more impressed with her as time goes on.

Cena vs. Jericho - ***3/4
Such awesome chemistry between these guys. Sadly, I don't think they'll have another PPV match anytime soon but I really hope they let these two have a Raw main event or something. I liked Survivor Series a little more but this still rocked the house down. This match was probably better wrestled but the story of Survivor Series is what puts it over the top for me. Interested to see where Cena goes from here since Orton lost.

HHH vs. Edge vs. Hardy - ****
I'll say this, the WWE knows how to build a dramatic match. I never thought Hardy had a shot at winning the title until I saw his match with HHH at Cyber Sunday. That match made me a believer that the E was gonna put that title on him somewhere down the line. I figured it would happen at Mania but I was obviously wrong. I'm far from a Hardy mark but towards the end of the match I was even marking out a little. Part of it was because I was wondering if this would be the time for Christian to make his return. I mean, I knew deep down that it wouldn't happen but I thought there was slim chance. Awesome Doomsday Device/Whisper in the Wind spot. I liked how Hardy kept going to the top rope and kept getting hit off. I thought they were booking him as a guy who gets so close to winning but in the end always comes up short. I also liked how the announcers shut up and let Hardy have his moment. Made it feel a little more special. I don't see him holding the belt til Houston so I'm also intrigued as to how he loses it.

One of the best WWE PPVs of the year imo. Fun - great undercard and important main event that delivered.

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