Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2008 Survivor Series Review

Team HBK vs. Team JBL - ***
Fun match. Loved the Morrison/HBK stuff. Hope they have a 1 on 1 match soon.

RAW Divas vs. SmackDown Divas - *
Standard stuff. LOL at the falls taking place so quickly within the match.

Taker vs. Show - **
Really dissapointing. They almost looked lost at points. Apparently Big Show's ride on his daddy's [/Bossman] casket in 99 has left him traumatized of them.

Team Orton vs. Team Batista - ***
A tad better than the opener imo. Batista ownin' bitchez should happen more often. I'm starting to dig Orton's character.

HHH vs. Kozlov - **3/4
I actually didn't think this was so bad before the ending. Appears I'm the only one. Looks like the WWE Title match at Mania is starting to take shape.

Cena vs. Jericho - ****
Just hits 4 here. Simple enough story executed well by both guys. Couple spots I loved: Cena goes for his tope rope leg drop and panics and the Liontamer returing (loved that last one).

More solid-ness from the E.

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