Sunday, January 20, 2008

ROH Glory by Honor VI Night 1 Review

Steen/Generico vs. Albright/Whitmer --- **1/2

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Hallowicked --- *1/2

Davey Richards vs. Delirious --- **1/2

The Briscoes vs. Strong/Romero --- ***1/2

Age of the Fall vs. Vulture Squad --- ***1/4

Mitch Franklin vs. Ernie Osiris (Top of the Class Trophy Match) --- ½*

Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson (Match 3 of 3) --- ****1/4

Nigel McGuinness vs. Chris Hero (ROH World Title) --- ***1/4

Misawa/KENTA vs. Morishima/Marufuji --- ****

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