Saturday, January 26, 2008

2008 Royal Rumble Predictions

MVP vs. Ric Flair
No way Naitch loses here. The angle will continue until Wrestlemania.
Winner: Flair

JBL vs. Chris Jericho
I see JBL winning via cheating or Jericho winning via DQ. Hmmm, have to pick one...
Winner: JBL

World Heavyweight Title:
Edge (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
Rey is just a transitional challenger. In all honesty, I wish they would have had Punk lose to Chavo the way he did a few weeks ago. Then you could have had Edge-Punk, but I guess they want him to be significant in the Rumble match or they want Edge to have a challenger for No Way Out.
Winner: Edge

WWE Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
Hardy has been built up very well. That being said, he has no shot to win here.
Winner: Orton

The Royal Rumble Match
Who will win the 2008 Royal Rumble?
Tough to choose. My favorites are HHH and Undertaker. Taker won last year so I'm taking the Game I guess. HHH

Who will be the runner-up? Undertaker

Who will be the iron-man? Mr. Kennedy (I would have said Punk but It's not a guarantee he's even in it.)

Who will have the shortest time? Chuck Palumbo

Who will have the most eliminated opponents? Big Daddy V (It was either him or Batista but I think Batista will come in around 24 or something)

Who will draw #1 and #2 1= Kennedy and 2 = Tommy Dreamer

Who will draw the #30 spot? Umaga (They always have a monster at 30)

What will be the eventual winning #? 20

Will there be any surprise/unannounced entrants? Of course.

If yes, who will they be? Punk's not officially in so him for one. Also I will go out on a limb and say Big Show re-debuts here.

If The final six men eliminated are the ones that will compete in the second chance Elimination Chamber next month, who will those people be? (I don't think that's how it's going to work, but just in case) Undertaker, Kennedy, Shawn Michaels, Batista, Umaga, Big Show

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