Thursday, January 3, 2008

End of the Year Awards

I will put the winner, then I will put the winner for the other 2 promotions after.

Promotion Of The Year - ROH

Match Of The Year - Danielson vs. McGuinness (Driven)
WWE - Cena vs. Michaels in London on 4/23
TNA - Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage at Bound for Glory
PWG - Danielson vs. Generico (only saw 1 PWG show this year)

Show/Card Of The Year - Fifth Year Festival: Finale
Neither WWE or TNA are able to win this category.

PPV Of The year - ROH Driven
WWE - Backlash
TNA - Bound for Glory

Babyface Of The Year - Nigel McGuinness
WWE - Cena
TNA - Joe

Heel Of The Year - Chris Hero
WWE - Orton
TNA - Christian

Diva Of The Year - Gail Kim
ROH - Sara Del Ray
WWE - Mickie James

Tag Team Of The Year - The Briscoes
WWE - London and Kendrick
TNA - Motor City Machine Guns

Announcer Of The Year - Jim Ross
ROH - Dave Prazak
TNA - only 1 choice

Colour Commentator Of The Year - JBL
ROH - Lenny Leonard
TNA - only 1 choice

Most Improved Wrestler Of The Year - John Cena
ROH - Jack Evans
TNA - Kaz

Promo Of The Year - Anything Jimmy Jacobs (I'll take his prematch Supercard of Honor II Speech)
WWE - Jericho's Return Promo
TNA - Samoa Joe's Shoot promo.

Performer Of The Year - Bryan Danielson
WWE - John Cena (I don't like him but I give him respect, he was great in the ring this year).
TNA - Christian Cage

Storyline Of The Year - Jimmy Jacobs loves Lacey and the fallout which leads to Age of the Fall
WWE - Michaels and Cena respect one another.
TNA - The only one I can think of right now that I didn't hate is, "Dudleys hate X division"

Feud Of The Year - Briscoes vs. Steen and Generico (also from ROH Danielson vs. Morishima and Jacobs vs. Whitmer were all incredible)
WWE - Matt Hardy vs. MVP
TNA - Joe vs. Christian

Best Wrestling Move Of The Year - KENTA's Go 2 Sleep
WWE - Paul London's Shooting Star Press off the apron (saw him do it once, he got in trouble backstage but I liked it)
TNA - Senshi's Turnbuckle Warrior's Way

Most Improved Promotion Of The Year - ROH (I couldn't choose between TNA and WWE because they have both had awful times of the year. ROH got a PPV deal so that's improvement.) Most say NJPW but I didn't see much.

Title Of The Year - ROH World Title
WWE Title
TNA Title

Return/Debut Of The Year - Takeshi Morishima's ROH debut
WWE - Shawn Michales return in October
TNA - Booker T's Debut at Genesis

Rookie Of The Year - Erick Stevens (I know he's not a rookie but this was hard)
WWE - Santino Marrella
TNA - I have to pick either Black Reign, Judas Mesias, or Rellik? Uh...I pick Jimmy Rave because he was good in ROH.

Worst Promotion Of The Year - TNA

Worst Match Of The Year - Hemme vs. Big Fat Oily Guy (Tuxedo Match from Against All Odds)
WWE - Donlad Trump vs. Rosie O'Donnell
ROH - Erick Stevens vs. Mitch Franklin (squash)

Worst Show/Card Of The Year - WWE Unforgiven
TNA - Hard Justice
ROH - Motor City Madness

Worst Diva Of The Year - Kelly Kelly
TNA - Christie Hemme
ROH - Alicia (saw her in 1 match so I'll count it)

Worst Tag Team Of The Year - Team Pacman
WWE - Jim Duggan and Super Crazy
ROH - Any combonation of the Hangman's 3

Worst Announcer Of The Year - Michael Cole

Worst Colour Commentator Of The Year - Don West

Worst Promo Of The Year - Anything Khali
TNA - Eric Young adn Santa Claus
ROH - Anything with the No Remorse Corps with minor exceptions

Worst Performer Of The Year - Hornswaggle
TNA - Pacman Jones
ROH - Adam Pearce

Worst Storyline Of The Year - Hornswaggle as illegitimate child.
TNA - Christie Hemme as Women's Activist
ROH - Briscoes don't lose a fall in 2/3 Fall matches

Worst Feud Of The Year - Hornswaggle vs. Khali
TNA - Christie Hemme vs. VKM
ROH - Hangman's 3 vs. Delirious

Worst Wrestling Move Of The Year - Tadpole Splash
TNA - Black Reign's Black Out (I think I've seen it once, but anytime BR wins a match that's bad)
ROH - Adam Pearce's Piledriver

Biggest Disappointment Of The Year - Jericho's return (I had high hopes and he bores me now)
TNA - Samoa Joe not being Champion
ROH - Samoa Joe's last match (didn't feel right)

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