Monday, May 4, 2009

TNA Lockdown 2009 Review

X-Division Title Xcape Match: Suicide © vs. Kiyoshi vs. Jay Lethal vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed
Pretty much what was to be expected. Spotty and it was fine for being that. Nice finish as well that got a dead crowd out of their seats for one of the few times in the night. Anyone know who Suicide was in this match? Kaz I'd assume?


TNA Knockouts Queen of the Cage Match: ODB vs. Madison Rayne vs. Daffney vs. Sojo Bolt
I pretty much have no interest in any of these people so I really didn’t care for this match. Just kind of there to fill time and ODB winning was a forgone conclusion.


IWGP Jr. Tag Team Title Match: The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. No Limit vs. LAX
Hernandez kills X Division guys in a cage. What more could you ask for? Fuck it, give the big man the title too while we’re at it. Went on a little too long for what they were going for but it was still super enjoyable. If they don't take my advice for Hernadez as the next champ, please give us a MCMG/LAX match on PPV. Dream match from me.


Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match: Abyss vs. Matt Morgan
I was expecting something pretty bad here. It wasn’t great by any means, but it was a tad better than what I thought it would be. I’m still apathetic towards Abyss and his garbage matches though.


TNA Knockouts Title Match: Awesome Kong © vs. Angelina Love vs. Taylor Wilde
The right girl won so now Kong can take a well deserved break. I’m looking forward to Love’s title run as I think she is perfect for what the Knockouts division needs. I’m sure her and Wilde will be feuding over the title for the next few months and that works for me as well. Finish was really bad but Love got knocked out and they had to rush it like that. Match wasn’t what the KO division used to be known for, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing anything like Kong/Gail Kim ever again in TNA. Still the best KO match I've seen in a while.


Winner Takes All – TNA World Tag Team Titles vs. IWGP Tag Team Titles Philadelphia Street Fight: Beer Money © vs. Team 3D ©
It seems I liked this a lot more than most people, but everything worked beautifully towards the feud and I for one can appreciate that. I’m not a fan of typical TNA crowd brawls, but having one in this match made tons of sense because the whole match had been built around the fact that Philly fans are violent creatures and being in that environment would be the test for Beer Money. I can say that for the first time since the MCMG match at Turning Point 2007 (I think that was the show.), I was never bored during a Team 3D match. They we’re really entertaining here. Beer Money continues to be one of the best tag teams on Earth. They play their role to perfection here. Not a fan of 3D winning, but it was probably the only outcome considering Beer Money probably wasn’t going to be a staple in the NJPW tag division anytime soon. I really hope they don’t break up BM like it seems the rumors have been saying for months. MOTN no doubt and not a drop of disspointment from me.


Lethal Lockdown: Team Jarrett (Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett and Christopher Daniels) vs. Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Booker T and Kevin Nash)
I’m glad Angle started the match for the MEM. I thought AJ should have started for Team Jarrett, but that’s a minor gripe. AJ and Daniels were really good here. I hope they resume being a tag team soon, as they showed that they still have it. Steiner suprised the shit out of me here. He fit nicely as the thrid entrant for the MEM. Props to Nash for even being out there. Overall, the match was kind of slow. Nothing of event really happened and then AJ nearly dies to wake the crowd up. Then they just kind of went into finisher mode before Jarrett used the guitar to maybe the quitest pop there’s ever been. Still pretty good, but for the length it went it could have been better. Worst LL match I’ve ever seen probably, but I enjoyed it. Probably won't ever see it again, but not every match can be like that. I'm curious to see where this feud goes from here.


Lashley debuts to one of the loudest pops of the night. That makes me sad.

TNA World Title Match: Sting © vs. Mick Foley
I hate to be that guy, but I new this would disappoint. Really slow and really plodding with nothing in particular going on. They used the bat nicely, but the crowd was too dead to care. Mediocre best describes this I’d say. Foley as TNA champ at least interest me more than Sting as champion, which was none at all. I have no clue who he faces at Sacrifice other than Jarrett, but I can’t see him holding on to the title to be in King of the Mountain at Slammiversary.


Overall, disappointing to many, but my expectations weren’t incredibly high to begin with. I really hope the excellent build for PPVs continues with Sacrifice next month, but I’m skeptic on that since TNA usually only caters a lot of effort to the big 4.

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