Sunday, June 1, 2008

PWG All Star Weekend VI Night 2 Review

Karl Anderson vs. Alex Koslov --- **1/4

Eddie Kingston vs. Chris Hero --- ***

Black/Jacobs vs. The Young Bucks --- ***3/4

Jack Evans vs. Roderick Strong (Match 2 of 3 for PWG Title #1 Contendership) --- ***1/4

Candice LeRae vs. Human Tornado --- ***1/2

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Necro Butcher --- ***1/4

El Generico vs. Susumu Yokosuka --- ***1/4

Muscle Outlawz vs. The Dynasty --- ***1/4

Super Dragon vs. Taro --- **1/2

Bryan Danielson vs. CIMA (PWG Title #1 Contendership) --- ****1/4

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