Sunday, June 29, 2008

Night of Champions Predictions

WWE Title
HHH (C) vs. John Cena
The 2 title matches are very hard to pick now that we know about what happened at the draft. If these 4 would have stayed where they were, I'd pick the world champions to retain across the board. I either have to pick HHH and Batista to win or Cena and Edge to win (by my logic of each show having a specific champion, but who knows?). I like Edge's chances the best so I'll pick him to retain and Cena to win and take the belt to Raw.
Winner: Cena

World Title
Edge (C) vs. Batista
See WWE title match thoughts...
Winner: Edge

ECW Title
Kane (C) vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry
The only reason Henry is in this match is to take the pinfall. I'll say Show takes the title and sets up a 1 on 1 match vs.Kane next month.
Winner: Big Show

US Title
Matt Hardy (C) vs. Chavo Guerrero
Chavo just seems to be a challenger for the sake of being there. Hardy retains.
Winner: Hardy

IC Title
Chris Jericho (C) vs. ???
Y2J was supposed to face Shawn Michaels here but HBK is "injured." So apparently there will be another challenger. I'll say it's Punk (just because he has nothing else to do) and Y2J gets the win. It may still be HBK but Jericho goes over none the less.
Winner: Jericho

WWE Tag Titles
Miz & Morrison (C) vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle
I pray to God that one of the most entertaining WWE teams in years holds on to the titles here. I don't think WWE has the guts to put another title on a midget.
Winners: Miz & Morrison

World Tag Titles
Rhodes & Holly (C) vs. Dibiase Jr. & ???
Dibiase's partner here should be Harry Smith and I expect Rhodes to turn on Holly to form a 2nd generation group with the other 2. I'm probably way off and Holly & Rhodes continue their deathgrip on the titles, but I'll go with the former.
Winners: Dibiase & ??? (Smith)

Women's Title
Mickie (C) vs. Katie Lea
This is tough. Mickie hasn't really done much with the title so I think the new girl takes over.
Winner: Katie Lea

Divas Title
Natalyia vs. ???
Not sure if this is officially taking place on this show, but If it does, I say it's against Michelle McCool and McCool wins.
Winner: McCool

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