Sunday, December 16, 2007

Armageddon Predictions

Mysterio vs. MVP
This will probably open the show. MVP should hold on to the title until Mania where he'll lose it to Matt Hardy.
Winner: MVP

Michaels vs. Kennedy
This will probably be Kennedy's best singles match ever (that's not saying much). This rivalry will continue on after this show.
Winner: Kennedy via cheating.

Finlay vs. Khali
This will be god awful.
Winner: Khali

Punk and Kane vs. Big Daddy V and Henry
Won't be as bad as the previous match but will probably still reek.
Winners: BDV & Henry

Hardy vs. HHH
I originally thought HHH would win but I get the feeling he'll save his title shot until Mania. The Rumble challenger never wins any way.
Winner: Hardy

Phoenix vs. James
Beth keeps on rolling.
Winner: Phoenix

Jericho vs. Orton
Jericho has yet to impress me in his return. I don't see him carrying Orton to a great match here.
Winner: Orton

Edge vs. Taker vs. Batista
Whenever I see this match I always think back to Armageddon 2003's World Title match. That show sucked so it is a bad memory. Doesn't really matter who wins because the end game is Taker vs. Edge at Mania.
Winner: Edge

I've heard a lot of people say that this will be PPV of the year. I don't really no what they are talking about because this card looks pretty mediocre. Maybe I'll be proved wrong.

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