Tuesday, November 13, 2007

TNA Genesis 2007 Review

Abyss defeated Black Reign in a Shop of Horrors match (11:10)
Abyss pinned Reign after a Black Hole Slam.
After the match, Crimson Blood blew mist into Abyss' eyes and put him into a box, which he and Reign then threw off of the stage.

The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (17:50)
Sabin pinned Ray after a double Enzuigiri from Sabin and Shelley.

Gail Kim defeated Roxxi Laveaux, ODB, and Angel Williams to retain the TNA Women's World Championship (9:08)
Kim pinned ODB after a Happy Ending.

Jay Lethal defeated Sonjay Dutt to retain the TNA X Division Championship (12:05)
Lethal pinned Dutt after a diving elbow drop.
After the match, Team 3D came out and attacked both men with leather belts, performed a 3D on both men, and stole the X Divison Championship belt.

Christian's Coalition (A.J. Styles and Tomko) defeated The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) to retain the TNA World Tag Team Championship
Styles pinned Rick after a low blow and chair shot.

Samoa Joe defeated Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks) (16:00)
Joe pinned Roode after a Muscle Buster.

Kaz defeated Christian Cage in a Ladder match to win the 2007 Fight for the Right Tournament (15:10)
Kaz grabbed the clipboard to win a future shot for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash (w/Karen Angle) defeated Sting and Booker T (w/Sharmell) (13:36)
Booker T was billed as Sting's mystery partner.
Angle pinned Sting after an Olympic Slam.
During the match, A.J. Styles and Tomko interfered on Angle's behalf and Sharmell for Booker and Sting.
Angle's TNA World Heavyweight Championship was on the line in the match.

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