Wednesday, November 28, 2007

ROH Motor City Madness 2007 Review

Davey Richards vs. Silas Young --- **1/4

Chasyn Rance & Kenny King vs. Mitch Franklin & Alex Payne --- *1/2

Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny King --- *

Bryan Danielson vs. Chasyn Rance --- ½*

Delirious vs. Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens vs. Kevin Steen (Four Corner Survival- Winner Gets An ROH Title Match) --- ***

Chris Hero vs. Jimmy Jacobs --- **3/4

Naomichi Marufuji vs. El Generico --- ***1/2

Nigel McGuinness & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent Albright & BJ Whitmer --- **3/4

Rocky Romero vs. Jack Evans (Street Fight) --- ***

Takeshi Morishima vs. Erick Stevens (ROH World Title Match) --- ***3/4

Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Austin Aries & Matt Cross (World Tag Team Title Match) --- ***1/2

ROH A Fight at the Roxbury Review

Whitmer vs. Albright --- **1/2

Danielson vs. Rave --- ***1/2

M. Briscoe vs. Steen --- ***3/4

McGuinness vs. Quackenbush vs. Hero vs. Castagnoli --- ***3/4

Edwards vs. Primeau --- **1/4

Sydal vs. Generico --- ***3/4

Delirious, Cross and Stevens vs. Strong, Richards and Romero --- ***1/2

J. Briscoe vs. Morishima --- ***1/2

ROH Good Times Great Memories Review

Delirious vs. Akuma vs. Quackenbush vs. Primeau vs. Hallowicked vs. Jigsaw --- ***1/2

Christopher Daniels vs. Erick Stevens --- **1/4

Brent Albright vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Homicide vs. Jimmy Rave --- ***1/2

Austin Aries vs. Rocky Romero --- ***1/4

Takeshi Morishima vs. Shingo (ROH World Title Match) --- ****

Tank Toland vs. Alex Payne --- ½*

Roderick Strong vs. Jack Evans --- ***1/2

The Briscoes vs. Shelley/Sabin (ROH World Tag Team Title Match) --- ****3/4

Colt Cabana vs. Adam Pearce --- **3/4

Thursday, November 22, 2007

ROH Supercard of Honor II Review

Daniels/Matt Sydal vs Delirious/Jay Briscoe --- ***1/4

Claudio Castagnoli vs Yamato --- **1/4

Erick Stevens vs Mitch Franklin --- DUD

Nigel McGuinness vs Chris Hero --- **1/2

Jack Evans/Naruki Doi vs Davey Richards/Rocky Romero --- ***1/2

Homicide vs Brent Albright --- DUD

Colt Cabana/Homicide vs Brent Albright/Adam Pearce --- **1/2

Steel Cage showdown: BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Jacobs --- ****1/2

Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong --- ****

CIMA/Susumu Yokosuka/Shingo vs Dragon Kid/Ryo Saito/Masaaki Mochizuki --- ****1/4

ROH Fifth Year Festival: Finale Review

Colt Cabana vs. Delirious --- ***

Sara Del Rey/Allison Danger vs. Jetta/Eden Black --- **

Falls Anywhere - Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer --- ****

Matt Sydal vs. Pac --- ***1/4

Briscoe vs. Briscoe --- ****1/2

Naruki Doi/SHINGO vs. No Remorse Corps --- ****

Nigel McGuinness vs Jimmy Rave --- ****1/4

Samoa Joe vs. Homicide --- ***1/4

Monday, November 19, 2007

2007 Survivor Series Review

Finally a good show...

CM Punk defeated John Morrison and The Miz to retain the ECW Championship (7:58)
Punk pinned Miz following a Go to Sleep.
Short and sweet. Wish it would have had more time but this is all ECW gets. The question now is, who does Punk face next?

Mickie James, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool, and Kelly Kelly defeated Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Melina, Victoria, and Layla (4:40)
Mickie pinned Melina after a Long Kiss Goodnight.
This was fine for the time given.

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defeated Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes to retain the World Tag Team Championship (7:18)
Murdoch pinned Rhodes following a Sunset flip powerbomb.
Really dull. Should have gotten the same length as the Women's match.

Team Triple H (Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, and Kane) defeated Team Umaga (Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Finlay, and Big Daddy V) (w/Matt Striker) in a (4 on 5) Survivor Series match (22:09)
Matt Hardy was originally supposed to compete as a member of Team Triple H, but was removed following a kayfabe injury.

Elimination #
Eliminated by
Elimination move

Team Triple H
Big Daddy V
Elbow Drop

Rey Mysterio
Team Triple H
Samoan Spike

Team Umaga
Jeff Hardy
Twist of Fate

Mr. Kennedy
Team Umaga
Triple H
Elbow Drop (by BDV)

Big Daddy V
Team Umaga
Triple H
Double DDT (w/Jeff Hardy)

Team Umaga
Triple H

Team Umaga
Jeff Hardy
Swanton Bomb

Survivors: Jeff Hardy and Triple H (Team Triple H)
While this was good, I feel they could have done a little better.

The Great Khali (w/Ranjin Singh) defeated Hornswoggle via disqualification (3:15)
Finlay interfered and attacked Khali with a shillelagh.
The reason I gave this negative stars is because it didn't belong on PPV. If they wanted to do this on RAW or Smackdown I would have rolled my eyes and moved on. They shouldn't make people who paid $40 sit through this.

Randy Orton defeated Shawn Michaels to retain the WWE Championship (17:48)
If Michaels attempted to use his Sweet Chin Music, he would have been disqualified and would not receive another title shot as long as Orton is champion. If Orton attempted to get disqualified, he would have lost the title.
Orton pinned Michaels when Michaels hesitated on the Super Kickand Orton hit the RKO.
Michaels used Sweet Chin Music after the match was over.
Woah, did not see that coming. Michaels played this match perfectly with the moves he did. I was shocked to see him do the Crippler Crossface. I also really liked the ending.

Batista defeated The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (21:25)
Edge, who was disguised as a cameraman at ringside, returned from injury and interfered by attacking the Undertaker with a steel chair, followed by pulling Batista over the Undertaker allowing him to get the pinfall.
I would have been dissapointed if this match didn't hit ****. It almost did, but I was expecting more. It moved a little slow at the beginning for my taste. Once they got it kicking though they got a good match.

Overall the best show since Backlash. It had some crap but the crap was all relatively short.

Revised 2006 Match of the Year

After watching all this ROH I feel it's time for a new MOTY post.

Danielson vs. KENTA 9/16 *****

Danielson vs. McGuinness 8/12 *****

Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation 3/31 *****

Danielson vs. Strong 3/31 ****3/4

KENTA vs. Marufuji 10/29 ****3/4

Aries & Strong vs. The Briscoes 8/12 ****3/4

Joe, Pearce, Whitmer, Steel & Danielson vs. Hero, Necro Butcher, Webb, Castagnoli & Kingston 7/15 ****1/2

Danielson vs. Homicide 12/23 ****1/2

Marufuji vs. McGuinness 9/16 ****1/2

Aries & Strong vs. CIMA & Doi 4/1 ****1/2

Styles and Daniels vs. LAX (TNA No Surrender) ****1/4

London & Kendrick vs. Regal & Taylor vs. MNM vs. The Hardys (Armageddon) ****1/4

Undertaker vs. Angle (No Way Out) ****1/4

KENTA vs. Danielson 12/02/06 ****1/4

KENTA vs. Marufuji 1/22/06 ****1/4

Styles & Sydal vs. Aries & Evans 3/31 ****1/4

Austin Aries/Roderick Strong/Delirious vs. CIMA/Shingo/Matt Sydal 12/23 ****1/4

Danielson vs. Storm 4/1 ****1/4

The Briscoes vs. The Kings of Wrestling 12/23 ****1/4

Edge vs. Cena (Unforgiven) ****1/4

Edge, Foley & Lita vs. Funk, Dreamer & McGillicutty (One Night Stand) ****1/4

Joe, Pearce & Whitmer vs. Hero, Super Dragon & Necro Butcher 4/22 ****

Edge vs. Foley (Wrestlemania) ****

Styles and Daniels vs. LAX (TNA Bound for Glory) ****

Rave, Shelley, & Yoshino vs. Dragon Kid, Horiguchi, & Saito 4/1 ****

Angle vs. Joe (TNA Genesis) ****

The Briscoes vs. Sydal & Styles 4/22 ****

HHH vs. Cena (Wrestlemania) ****

Edge vs. Cena vs. HHH (Backlash) ****

KENTA & Marufuji vs. The Briscoes 9/15 ****

Joe & Homicide vs. The Briscoes 9/16 ****

Edge vs. Flair 1/16 ****

Homicide vs. Cabana 4/1 ****

ROH Final Battle 2006 Review

Jimmy Rave vs. El Generico vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards --- ***

Adam Pearce vs. Ricky Reyes --- ½*

Jimmy Jacobs/Brent Albright vs. Colt Cabana/BJ Whitmer --- ***

The Briscoes vs. The Kings of Wrestling --- ****1/4

Jimmy Rave vs. Nigel McGuinness --- ***1/2

Austin Aries/Roderick Strong/Delirious vs. CIMA/Shingo/Matt Sydal --- ****1/4

World Title Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide --- ****1/2

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

TNA Genesis 2007 Review

Abyss defeated Black Reign in a Shop of Horrors match (11:10)
Abyss pinned Reign after a Black Hole Slam.
After the match, Crimson Blood blew mist into Abyss' eyes and put him into a box, which he and Reign then threw off of the stage.

The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (17:50)
Sabin pinned Ray after a double Enzuigiri from Sabin and Shelley.

Gail Kim defeated Roxxi Laveaux, ODB, and Angel Williams to retain the TNA Women's World Championship (9:08)
Kim pinned ODB after a Happy Ending.

Jay Lethal defeated Sonjay Dutt to retain the TNA X Division Championship (12:05)
Lethal pinned Dutt after a diving elbow drop.
After the match, Team 3D came out and attacked both men with leather belts, performed a 3D on both men, and stole the X Divison Championship belt.

Christian's Coalition (A.J. Styles and Tomko) defeated The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) to retain the TNA World Tag Team Championship
Styles pinned Rick after a low blow and chair shot.

Samoa Joe defeated Robert Roode (w/Ms. Brooks) (16:00)
Joe pinned Roode after a Muscle Buster.

Kaz defeated Christian Cage in a Ladder match to win the 2007 Fight for the Right Tournament (15:10)
Kaz grabbed the clipboard to win a future shot for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash (w/Karen Angle) defeated Sting and Booker T (w/Sharmell) (13:36)
Booker T was billed as Sting's mystery partner.
Angle pinned Sting after an Olympic Slam.
During the match, A.J. Styles and Tomko interfered on Angle's behalf and Sharmell for Booker and Sting.
Angle's TNA World Heavyweight Championship was on the line in the match.

Update on TV shows

Prison Break - It's been a solid season. Not as good as the first 2 but not much is.

The Office - Easily the worst season the've done. That being said I still think it's one of the best shows on tv...just not by as much as it used to be.

House - Loving everything they've done so far. The story witht the new team has had some great moments.

Chuck - Started off slow but now I kind of like it. I get this show and Reaper on the CW confused though (guy working retail with a secret that he can't tell anyone, and has a goffy sidekick).

Heroes - I never loved Heroes but this season has kind of sucked so far for me. There are so many characters I can't stand.

It's Always Sunny in Philly - Continues to be one of the funniest shows on tv. It's a dirty Seinfeld that no one really knows about.

My Name is Earl - I think it's been OK but I've heard people say it sucks a bit. Some of the episodes have been quite hit or miss.

30 Rock - I didn't think I could like this show any more than I did last year but I'm quickly finding out that I was wrong. The last episode with David Schwimmer and Al Gore was one of the best they've done (I've actually heard some people say it was the worst they've done. WTF?)

Big Bang Theory - Really good for a sitcom with canned laughter.

Reaper - Good enough to stay on my DVR but not great or anything.

Dexter - Slowly becoming one of the best shows on tv.

Curb Your Enthusiasm - Pretty solid season (just finished up, although I haven't seen the finale yet.) "The N Word" was what I love about CYE, brought back the feeling of past seasons.

Californication - Finished season 1 and man oh man was this show great. I officially have high expectations for season 2. Every interaction Duchovny has with people on that show is magic.

South Park - Been my favorite season of the show since I don't know when. I lost a lot of love for it in seasons past with Trey and Matt bashing every person or show they don't like (I mean seriously, a full episode dedicated the Paris Hilton? C'mon guys.) But this season has relit a fire I had in me for this show.

Family Guy - Eh. This show has really gone down hill fast. I look forward to every episode but then I end up dissapointed. It makes me laugh every once in a while but I used to cry laughing at this show. Th past 2 episodes where Stewie and Lois try to kill each other have been God awful to me (I'm in the minority on that).

American Dad - So much better than Family Guy it's not even funny (or... I guess it is...)

Scrubs - One of my favorite shows ever. Last season was so bland that I wasn't looking forward to this season. It's been a lot better, but I'm glad it's the final season.


Back to You - Gave it 3 episodes and stopped torturing myself.

K-ville - I just randomly quit this show.

Journeyman - I tried so hard to like this show but I gave up. The time traveling stuff was decent but the present stroyline was painful.

Cavemen - I actually watched 3 episodes of this show. Congratlate me on still being alive.

Carpoolers - I though I would like this show but the 3rd episode was so bad I just quit.


Pushing Daisies - I liked this show at first but my God is it too cutesy or what? It's on my DVR waiting to get replaced when I run out of room (DVR erases the show by itself). So it's not up to me anymore if it stays. If it survives long enough and I find myself bored, it might get watched.

Monday, November 12, 2007

ROH Glory by Honor V Night 2 Review

Richards vs. Evans --- ***

Delirious vs. Pearce --- **1/2

Cabana vs. Jacobs vs. Daniels --- **3/4

Joe/Homicide vs. Briscoes --- ****

Aries/Strong vs. KOW --- ***3/4

Marufuji vs. McGuinness --- ****1/2

Danielson vs. KENTA --- *****
This felt like ***** from the start. It went around 35 minutes and I never felt like it was going that long. Just constant action. This really felt like an important match as well as Danielson continues the incredible year of 2006 with another classic in the bank.

ROH Glory by Honor V Night 1 Review

Dunn & Marcos vs. Titus & Primeau --- ¾*

KOW vs. Dunn & Marcos --- *1/4

Jacobs vs. Cabana vs. Evans vs. Reyes --- **1/2

Nigel vs. Daniels --- **3/4

Aries vs. Richards --- ***1/4

Delirious vs. Hagadorn --- ½*

Joe vs. Strong --- ***3/4

KENTA / Marufuji vs. Briscoes --- ****

SHIMMER Bonus Match: Rain vs. Sara Del Rey --- **3/4

FIP Bonus Match: The Heartbreak Express vs. Black Market --- ¼*

Friday, November 9, 2007

ROH Unified Review

Colt Cabana vs. Jonny Storm vs. Matt Sydal vs. Spud --- ***1/4

Jimmy Rave vs. Davey Richards --- ***

Claudio Castagnoli vs. BJ Whitmer --- **3/4

Colt Cabana vs. Chris Hero --- **1/4

Doug Williams & Jody Fleisch vs. SUWA & Go Shiozaki --- **

Robbie Brookside vs. Chad Collyer --- ½*

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe --- ****3/4
One of the best tag matches I've ever seen.

Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness --- *****
I'm a huge mark for both guys so it's no suprise that I gave their most epic encounter so far the full *****.

ROH Death Before Dishonor IV Review

Seth Delay vs. Delirious --- **

Colt Cabana & Jay Lethal vs. Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro --- ***

Pure Title: Nigel McGuinness vs. Roderick Strong --- ***3/4

The Briscoes vs. Irish Airborne --- ***1/2

Davey Richards vs. AJ Styles --- **3/4

ROH Title: Bryan Danielson vs. Sonjay Dutt --- **1/2

Samoa Joe, Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, Ace Steel & Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Hero,

Necro Butcher, Nate Webb, Claudio Castagnoli & Eddie Kingston (CAGE OF DEATH) --- ****1/2

ROH The 100th Show Review

Christopher Daniels vs. Claudio Castagnoli --- **1/4

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Delirious vs. Jimmy Yang --- ***

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Homicide & Ricky Reyes --- ***1/4

Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana --- *1/2

Derrick Dempsey vs. Pelle Primeau --- *

Bryan Danielson vs. Delirious --- ***1/4

The Briscoe Brothers vs. Matt Sydal & AJ Styles --- ****

Samoa Joe, Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer vs. Chris Hero, Super Dragon & Necro Butcher --- ****