Sunday, June 21, 2009

TNA Slammiversary 2009 Review

Lethal/Creed/Young vs. MCMG/Bashir
This was pretty damn good. The MCMG may be my favorite team on the planet atm. Just nonstop fun in their matches. Everyone else was pretty good too, including my least favorite wrestler in the world, Consequences Creed. Went a tad too long for what they were shooting for, but it was still damn good.


Daffney vs. Taylor (Monster's Ball)
Meh. 4 minutes of mediocre weapon shots.


Suicide vs. Daniels (X-Division Title)
Could have been better actually. I mean, overall this was solid, but it had the potential to be great. Crowd was pretty flat, and that didn't help.


Love vs. Kong (Knockouts Title)
Pretty much what you would expect. Kong kills, then Love takes over for a little before Kong gets back on the rampage, and then Love finds a way to retain via SHEENANIGANS~! Entertaining enough.


Joe vs. Nash
Definitely not as good as their awesome match at Turning Point last year, but Joe's gimmick doesn't seem to be about putting on ***+ matches anymore. This was still pretty good for a Nash match with the right guy going over.


British Invasion vs. Beer Money (Team 3D Tag Tourney Finals)
More greatness from Beer Money. It's pretty hard to hate on this team as they constantly give strong performances every time they're out there. Hopefully their match with Team 3D is as good as it could be.


Styles vs. Booker T (I Quit match for the Legends Title)
One of Booker's best matches in TNA, which isn't saying much. He seemed more motivated than normal tonight, so that's probably the reason. Stupid finish but what you gonna do?


Angle vs. Sting vs. Foley vs. Jarrett (Ultimate Sacrifice Match)
This shocked the Hell out of me. I was expecting something OK and this ended up being MOTN. The stipulation really got me more into the match than if just the World title was on the line only. I had no clue who was taking the fall. Kind of a strange choice for a finish, but I guess I see where they go with it.


Overall, this was probably the best TNA PPV of this year so far. No MOTYC, but they haven't had any since Genesis and that was fine for tonight. Looking forward to Slammiversary next month.

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