Thursday, March 5, 2009

TNA Against All Odds 2009 Review

Shelley vs. Young (X-Division Title)- ***
Steiner vs. Williams - **1/4
Magnus vs. Sabin - *
Booker vs. Sewell (Legends Title) - 3/4*
Kong vs. ODB (Knockouts Title) - *
Abyss vs. Morgan - **1/4
Beer Money vs. Lethal Consequences (Tag Titles) - ***
Sting vs. Angle vs. Brother Ray vs. Brother D-von (TNA World Title) - **

Pretty bad show. If you have that match as the main event, you need a strong undercard. This show did not have that whatsoever. The middle of the show was December to Dismember bad. A couple of good matches save it from all time stink, but it's still probably the most difficult TNA show to sit through for me since Hard Justice 07. Next month's show looks a little more promising, but I'm growing tired of the MeM/FL feud. Ugh, just so dissapointed in TNA. More fuel for the hater fire, and TNA deserves it for this.

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