Sunday, January 18, 2009

TNA Genesis 2009 Review

Rave/Dutt/Kiyoshi vs. LAX/Young - **3/4
Fun opener. Always entertaining to see Hernandez kill jobbers. A nice way to build him up for his eventual title shot.

Shelley vs. Sabin - ****
Best X-Division match in about 3 years imo. Just great stuff. I like how they were countering every little move because they knew each other so well. I'm not big on the finish though.

Sewell vs. Bashir - *1/4
Ugh. I was hoping that this wasn't where this feud was gonna go. Match wasn't awful but I couldn't care less about either guy.

Lethal/Creed vs. Beer Money vs. Abyss/Morgan - **1/2
More fun from Beer Money as they are starting to leave their stamp on every match their in. Lethal looked pretty good here too. I guess we'll see him and Creed get their rematch at AAO while Abyss and Morgan have a 1 on 1 match.

Kahn/Saeed/Bolt vs. ODB/Whilde/Roxxi - 1/2*
Definition of filler. Not a thing stood out so I'll just move on instead of trying to force interest in it.

Angle vs. Jarrett - ****1/4
This was NOT filler. Just a hair behind their BFG match in October for me, although it is sooooo close. None the less this is a true evolution of the 1st match. They certainly did not start out with chain wrestling here. Pure blood feud and a perfect sequel for these guys. I can't wait for the 3rd match. I loved how Angle countered the things that Jarrett got in the 1st match (the superplex, the enzuiguri). Note to Kurt Angle: You're gonna die in the ring. Please calm the fuck down. There's no reason for you to be falling on your neck on the concrete from the stage. Thank you. Finish was kinda meh but I guess it worked setting up Angle as a machine. MORE PLEASE.

Sting vs. Rhino - *1/2
At least the parking lot beating gave them a story to work off of. That said, it was too simple of a match for me to enjoy that much. Just a throwaway defense against a paper challenger for Sting. Hopefully he drops the title soon.

Foley/Styles/Devon vs. Booker/Steiner/Kip - **
Match was doomed form the get go with Cute Kip in there. They turned it into a fun brawl towards the end so I'll reward them for that. Foley looked awkward but that's to be expected. I'd bet Angle could still get ***3/4 out of him.

Overall a fun little show with 2 great matches. The final 2 matches were disappointing but I didn't have high hopes anyway.

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