Saturday, November 15, 2008

TNA Turning Point 2008 Review

X Division Rankings match - ***1/4
Good opener. Glad to see them give Tanahashi some time to shine. I'm suprised at who won this, but I guess he has been getting pushed seriously as of late.

Wilde/Roxxi vs. Kong/Saeed - **1/4
Solid stuff here. Nothing to write home about, though.

Rhyno vs. Bashir - *
Pretty bad. I'm sure ICP and "Hey Yo" *drunked slur* coming out didn't help matters, as both guys seemed distracted. Felt like an iMPACT match that told no real story.

Beer Money vs. MCMG (TNA Tag Titles) - ****
This on the other hand rocked my world. I'm a sucker for a great tag formula and this was definately that. Even Hall and ICP were marking out, but that may been because Hall spotted the beer guy on the other side of the arena. I could almost go 1/4* higher but I felt they went off the path from the story they were telling earlier in the match and I thought towards the end it went into slight overkill. Still the best mainstream tag match of the year for me. MCMG own and are probably the best team in the country if not the world. MOTN, btw.

Booker T vs. Christian (TNA Legends Title) - **1/4
Also felt like an iMPACT match. Not a lot stuck out but it wasn't horrible or anything. Obviously could have been better but these 2 have never had great chemistry dating all the way back to their 2003 matches over the IC title in the WWE.

Angle vs. Abyss (Falls Count Anywhere) - ****
If I take away one thing from this PPV, it's this...Kurt out of his, legitimatly... Best Abyss match I've seen since the AJ Styles matches in 05, but that's no suprise considering Kurt has been God this year.

Joe vs. Nash - ***1/2
Now this suprised me immensely. I've heard a lot of people say that Joe looked weak in this but I really have no clue what they're talking about. He got rammed into the exposed turnbuckle multiple times, got hit with a chair in the face, bled, and kicked out of 2 powerbombs before losing to a low blow and Nash with his feet on the ropes. Some people were mad that Nash went over, but let's face it, Nash needed to go over. All of the MEM did. That's face faction/heel faction booking 101. The heels need to establish that they are a force to be reckond with, possibly have some of the faces turn on the others to align themselves with the heels down the road, and in the end the faces go over (Lethal Lockdown probably). The match itself was great, btw. Probably the best Nash match in a decade off the top of my head.

Sting vs. Styles (TNA Title) - ***
While this was good, I felt it could have been better. I never really believed that AJ had a chance. It felt like a filler title match, which it was, but it was still good for what they were going for.

Overall a great show. At least the 2nd best TNA PPV this year behind BFG. All the haters need to open their eyes, TNA is on a roll and there's no end in sight.

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