Monday, October 6, 2008

WWE No Mercy 2008 Review

Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry (ECW Title) - **1/4
Suprisingly good. They told a nice story with Matt working the leg much of the match. Ending paid off to the leg work. I havent seen their other match on ECW that was said to be solid, but this is probably the best 1 on 1 Henry match ever.

Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle - *
Raw match. Nothing special. At least Candice didn't break anything.

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane (If Rey loses, he must unmask) - **1/4
Was going along fine until the finish.

JBL vs. Batista (#1 Contenders match) - 3/4*
Squash city, Population: JBL.

Big Show vs. Undertaker - **1/4
I'm not a fan of either guy but both did their job well in this match. I guess there'll be a rematch at Cyber Sunday with a stipulation.

HHH vs. Jeff Hardy (WWE Title) - ****
Awesome stuff as expected. When both guys are motivated great things happen. I actually liked the ending. Too bad next month will probably have Kozlov in the mix. Hopefully they get a TV rematch that's just as awesome where I'm sure Kozlov interferes leading to the 3 way.

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (World Title Ladder Match) - ****1/4
Also as expected, this was great. Match just cracks ****1/4 here. Not as good as Edge/Taker HIAC but close (Also ****1/4). I hated the interference from Cade. I also wasn't a fan of the way the match started out. They hate each other so much, and then they mat wrestle? YOU PUNCHED MY WIFE IN THE FACE AND TRIED TO BLIND ME!!! EAT THIS HEADLOCK!!! Everything after that was awesome. The tug of war spot was indeed sweet. Probably the best ending to a ladder match in recent memory...maybe ever.

Another decent show. Reminds me of Night of Champions with 2 great main events and not much else.

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