Thursday, September 4, 2008

Summerslam 2008 Review

One of the biggest feuds of the year goes to Hell...

• MVP defeated Jeff Hardy @ 10:10 via pin
Standard stuff.

• Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix defeated Mickie James and Kofi Kingston @ 5:25 via pin to win the IC and Women's Titles
Suprisingly decent.

• ECW Title Match: Matt Hardy defeated Mark Henry @ 0:35 via DQ
Pretty much bullshit. The ECW Title is a joke.

• World Title Match: CM Punk defeated JBL @ 12:05 via pin
About as good as you could hope for.

• WWE Title Match: HHH defeated the Great Khali @ 10:00 via pin
See World Title comment.

• Batista defeated John Cena @ 14:10 via pin
Very awesome. They just went out and threw bombs at each other and it worked.

• HELL in a CELL: The Undertaker defeated Edge @ 27:00 via pin
Even better. Definatley their best match and I hope the feud is over.

Good effort but Summerslam is usually always strong.

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