Sunday, May 18, 2008

WWE Judgment Day Preview

WWE Title Match (Steel Cage)
HHH (C) vs. Randy Orton
A lot of matches on this card are hard to predict. This is one of them. Just because I see HHH's reign lasting more than a month, I'll take him.
Winner: HHH

World Heavyweight Title
Edge vs. Undertaker
I'm not sure why they took the title off of Taker. Maybe to get him more title reigns? I don't know, I'll pick him anyway.
Winner: Undertaker

WWE Tag Team Titles
Miz & Morrison (C) vs. CM Punk & Kane
I originally picked Punk and Kane to win the titles, but I think Morrison and Miz will retain by DQ or shenanigans.
Winners: Miz & Morrison

WWE Women's Title
Mickie James (C) vs. Melina vs. Beth Phoenix
Mickie pins Melina. Nuff said.
Winner: James

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Hopefully this is almost as good as their Mania XIX match. Too close to call, so I'll pick Shawn because he always wins these matches.
Winner: HBK

John Cena vs. JBL
JBL is worthless, Cena hasn't won in a while on PPV, Cena goes over.
Winner: Cena

Big SHow vs. Mark Henry
Apparently this has been added to the show...I'm not sure why...Since Henry only wins squashes, I'll go with Show.
Winner: Big Show

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