Friday, April 25, 2008

Backlash Predictions

World Title Match
Undertaker (C) vs. Edge
Backlash always has rematches from Mania and this one is no different. They had a good match last PPV so I hope they can do it again. I think Taker wins becuase he didn't have the long title reign last year and I think he'll get it this year.
Winner: Undertaker

WWE Title Match
Randy Orton (C) vs. JBL vs. John Cena vs. HHH
I don't know why but I see Orton as a log term champion. I mean at least until Summerslam. Maybe even Wrestlemania 25. Thus, he goes over here.
Winner: Randy Orton

ECW Title Match
Kane (C) vs. Chavo Guerrero
I'm not looking forward to this match. It has clash of styles written all over it. I say that Kane retains and moves on to another challenger after Chavo.
Winner: Kane

Batista vs. Shawn Michaels
The feud has actually been built up rather well in my opinion. I think Michaels will motivate Batista to a good match. This seems like a coinflip, and since Michaels always seems to win those matches...
Winner: Shawn Michaels

Big Show vs. Great Khali
Ugh. Could be a WMOTYC when it's all said and through. Big Show needs the win for his push.
Winner: Big Show

US Title Match
MVP (C) vs. Matt Hardy
Should open the show. If this would have happened at Mania, I'd pick Matt to win. MVP has had the title for almost a year...but I say he goes the full year and loses it next month to Matt in maybe a gimmick match.
Winner: MVP

Mickie James, Ashley, Maria, Michelle McCool, Cherry, and Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Melina, Layla, Victoria, and Natalya Neidhart
CM Punk and Regal don't get a rematch but these talentless "wrestlers" do? I call bullshit. I'll go with the heel team because Beth needs a pin to look strong without the title. She then gets a rematch at Mickie next month.

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