Friday, March 28, 2008

MLB Predictions

NL East
Phillies - Wild Card

NL Central

NL West

AL East
Red Sox
Blue Jays
Devil Rays

AL Central
Indians - Wild Card
White Sox

AL West

NL MVP: David Wright
AL MVP: Miguel Cabrera
NL Cy Young: Dan Haren
AL Cy Young: Justin Verlander
NL ROTY: Kosuke Fukudome
AL ROTY: Evan Longoria
NL MOTY: Lou Piniella
AL MOTY: Jim Leyland

Mets over Diamondbacks in 5
Cubs over Phillies in 4
Tigers over Red Sox in 5
Indians over Angels in 4

Mets over Cubs in 5
Tigers over Indians in 7

Tigers over Mets in 7

ROH Proving Ground Review

King/Blade vs. Primeau/Edwards --- **1/2

Daizee Haze vs. Alexa Thatcher --- *1/2

Ruckus vs. Claudio Castagnoli --- **1/2

Bryan Danielson vs. Brent Albright --- ***3/4

Necro Butcher vs. Kevin Steen (No DQ) --- ***1/2

Sal Rinauro vs. Delirious --- **

El Generico vs. Roderick Strong --- ***

Erick Stevens vs. Austin Aries (FIP Title) --- ****

Jacobs/Black vs. Briscoes vs. Evans/Jigsaw vs. Albright/Whitmer (ROG Tag Tittles Ultimate Endurance) --- ***3/4

ROH Nowhere to Run Review

James Gibson vs. BJ Whitmer --- ***1/4

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Chad Collyer --- **3/4

Homicide vs. Doug Williams --- ***3/4

Strong/ Evans vs. Shelley/Delirious --- ****

Colt Cabana vs. Nigel McGuinness --- ***

Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson (ROH World Title) --- ****

CM Punk vs. Jimmy Rave (Steel Cage Match) --- ****

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wrestlemania 24 Predictions

WWE Title
Randy Orton (c) vs. HHH vs. John Cena
This will likely be the main event, and because of that, it would appear that a face will go over. Cena is leaving to do a movie until May, so that leaves HHH as the new champ by pinning Orton.
Winner: HHH
Rating Prediction: ***1/2 - ****

World Title
Edge (c) vs. The Undertaker
With this little of build up, I can't see Edge being the guy to end the streak. I was originally going to say Taker wins via DQ to keep the streak and Edge keeps the title, but I've thought about it and changed my mind since Taker was injured last year and didn't get his long reign.
Winner: Undertaker
Rating Prediction: ***1/4 - ***3/4

Floyd Mayweather vs. Big Show
This will probably be awful with a ton of stalling. I see either Mayweather winning or Mayweather knocking Big Show out and Show then falls on Mayweather for the pin. I'm sure Floyd wants to go over here as most celebrities do.
Winner: Floyd Mayweather
Rating Prediction: *1/2 - **

Career Threatening Match
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
This is pretty much set in stone when it comes to the outcome. The real question is, how good will it be? Neither man is in their prime, but I think they could make tihs a great moment.
Winner: Shawn Michaels
Rating Prediction: ***1/2 - ****

Raw vs. Smackdown
Umaga vs. Batista
This was more or less they had nothing to do with Batista. I see him going over here.
Winner: Batista
Rating Prediction: **1/4 - **3/4

Money in the Bank
Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk vs. MVP vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. John Morrison vs.Carlito vs. Chris Jericho
When Hardy was in this, it seemed like a lock he would get the briefcase and walk away Mr. MITB. Now with his suspension, the winner is up in the air. I'm gonna go with someone that no one is picking.
Winner: Chris Jericho
Rating Prediction: ***3/4 - ****1/4

Belfast Brawl
JBL vs. Finlay
Could be solid. I see both guys and Hornswoggle bleeding in this match with Finlay and Hornswoggle celebrating in the end.
Winner: Finlay
Rating Prediction: **1/2 - ***

Ashley and Maria vs. Beth Phoenix and Melina
Any chance of this match being passable was thrown out the window when Candice was injured and replaced with Ashley, who is one of the worst wrestlers the WWE has. Hopefully it's short.
Winners: Maria and Ashley
Rating Prediction: 1/4* - 3/4*

24 Man Battle Royale
This will be on the preshow. A face will win and the only face that makes since is Kane.
Winner: Kane
Rating Prediction: None

ECW Title
Chavo (c) vs. Kane
Kane wins and ECW goes in a new direction.
Winner: Kane
Rating Prediction: *1/4 - *3/4

Saturday, March 22, 2008

TNA Destination X 2008 Review

The Latin American Xchange (Homicide and Hernandez) (w/Salinas) defeated The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) and The Rock 'n Rave Infection (Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave) (w/Christy Hemme) in a Triple Threat Match (10:25)
Hernandez pinned Rave after a Border Toss to become the #1 contenders to the TNA World Tag Team Championship.

Jay Lethal defeated Petey Williams (w/Rhaka Khan) to retain the TNA X Division Championship (11:45)
Lethal pinned Williams with a small package.
During the match So Cal Val interfered on Lethal's behalf and Scott Steiner interfered on Williams' behalf.

Kaz and Eric Young defeated Black Reign and Rellik (10:28)
Young pinned Reign after a Death Valley Driver to both Rellik and Reign, delivered to both at the same time.

Awesome Kong (w/Raisha Saeed) defeated Gail Kim and O.D.B. in a Triple Threat match to retain the TNA Women's World Championship (11:35)
Kong pinned ODB after a Awesome Bomb after Saeed tripped ODB.

Curry Man and Shark Boy defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) in a Fish Market Street Fight (13:31)
Shark Boy pinned Devon after Ray (accidentally) and Curry Man hit the 3D on Devon.
The stipulation was that if Ray and Devon didn't each weigh in at under 275 pounds, they would be fired from TNA. Both Ray and Devon made weight, and as such do not have to weigh in under 275 ever again.

Robert Roode (w/Payton Banks) defeated Booker T (w/Traci Brooks) in a Stand By Your Man Strap Match (7:55)
Roode pinned Booker after hitting Booker with a pair of handcuffs.
As a result of Roode winning, Banks got to lash Brooks with a strap.

Rhino defeated James Storm (w/Jacqueline) in an Elevation X match (13:21)
Rhino kicked Storm off the structure through a table to win.

Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash, and Christian Cage defeated The Angle Alliance (Kurt Angle, A.J. Styles and Tomko) (12:33)
Joe forced Tomko to submit to the Coquina Clutch.

Friday, March 21, 2008

ROH Rising Above Review

Delirious defeated Brent Albright (w/Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer and Shane Hagadorn)
Delirious pinned Albright with a roll-up.
After the match, The Hangmen 3 attacked Delirious until Kevin Steen and El Generico came to his aid.

Kevin Steen and El Generico defeated The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black), The Hangmen 3 (Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer), and The Vulture Squad (Jack Evans and Ruckus) in a Tag Team Scramble Match

Steen pinned Black after a Package piledriver followed by a Brainbuster from Generico.

Daizee Haze defeated Lacey and Sara Del Rey in a Triple Threat match
Haze pinned Lacey after a Mind Trip.
After the match, Tammy Sytch attacked Lacey after she began to insult her when she complimented three competitors.

Davey Richards defeated Erick Stevens
Richards forced Stevens to submit with the Kimura Lock.
During the match, Stevens was repeatedly distracted by Daniel Puder, who was in the audience.

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chris Hero (w/Larry Sweeney, Tank Toland and Bobby Dempsey)
Castagnoli pinned Hero after a Ricola Bomb.
The stipulation for the match was if Castagnoli lost, he would have to leave Ring of Honor.

Bryan Danielson defeated Takeshi Morishima by disqualification
Morishima was disqualified after repeatedly stomping on Danielson’s testicles, followed by shoving the referee to the ground.

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark) defeated the No Remorse Corps (Roderick Strong and Rocky Romero) in a Two out of three falls match to retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship
Strong pinned Jay with a Gibson Driver to win the first fall.
Mark pinned Strong win a jackknife pin to win the second fall.
Jay pinned Strong after a Spike J-Driller to win the third fall.

Nigel McGuinness defeated Austin Aries to retain the ROH World Championship
McGuinness pinned Aries after a Jawbreaker Lariat.

Bonus Matches:

Jigsaw vs. Necro Butcher vs. Mitch Franklin vs. Matt Cross (4 Way Fray) - *3/4

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Naomichi Marufuji - ***1/4